Adm. Karl Schultz, the commandant of the Coast Guard, speaks during the 2022 State of the Coast Guard Address at Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater, Florida, February 24, 2022. Send your fitness questions to EER summary. Additionally, members areencouraged to submit their Joint Service Transcript to theirAcademic Institution. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. For thepurpose of reimbursement, a successful course completion is definedas a grade of a C or higher for undergraduate courses, a B or higherfor graduate courses, and a pass for pass/fail grades. Read more. In order to beeligible for TA, members must have a legible certificate or degreeplan that is in a PDF format and clearly lists the academicinstitution, member's printed name, and degree or certificate level.The degree or certificate plan must also list all courses requiredto complete the academic program. The Reserve Income Replacement Program pays Guard and Reserve members extra money when mobilized for extended periods. The Reserve/Guard retirement system calculates the multiplier from your total points. The final multiple score will determine the enlisted member's standing on published advancement eligibility lists. Instead of completing an Institute Rating Course and End of Course Tests (EOCT) youll complete your RPQs then take the new online Rating Advancement Test (RAT). For more Coast Guard news,visit our online newsroom here. Theres a new Leadership Diversity Advisory Council and expanded support for affinity groups, specialized mentoring opportunities within different affinity communities, training for Change Agents, and more. The Coast Guard is amending portable fire extinguishing equipment requirements for recreational vessels that are propelled or controlled by propulsion machinery. Everyone is a recruiter and anyone with a Coast Guard affiliation active, reserve, retired, or extended family - should feel empowered to advocate for the opportunities the Coast Guard can offer. Please keep in mind that assigning a mark of U for conduct can render a member ineligible to advance until the good conduct period has been met as per 3.A.13.b of the Enlisted Manual. Coast Guard members can share what #UnitedInService means to themvia Facebook or Twitter. Perhaps stronger than ever, because we are united in service, adapting to new challenges and opportunities presented by a rapidly changing maritime domain. Schultz said. This upgrade especially helps our reservists, who can now access their Coast Guard email and collaboration tools from anywhere. And two more units will launch this fall. Since 2000, international guidelines on CPR have changed three times, the latest in 2015. Civilians. By: YN1 Luke Strittmatter ERATS ALCOAST 577/11 announced the new Enlisted Rating Advancement Training System (ERATS). Please visit our new Military Pay Charts page for up-to-date information on National Guard pay. and be viewable in. The Final Multiple Score (FMS) Calculator app is ready for download after undergoing a redesign that complements the MyNavy Portal FMS Calculator. TA is not authorized formembers pursuing additional degrees at the same or lower levelregardless of how they received their first degree (e.g. Paper copies must be sent in a sealedenvelope by the degree granting academic institution to: USCG ETQCRegistrar's Office 300 E. Main Street, STE 1201, Norfolk, VA 23510or transmitted securely to This wasSchultzs final State of the Coast Guard, an annual tradition during which commandants celebrate the services recent successes, recognize ongoing challenges, and announce developments to look forward to. . Military pay will see a 4.6% increase for 2023 compared to 2022 levels, after President Joe Biden signs the new rate into law. Thistimeline is necessary to ensure members receive an approved TAauthorization prior to the start of a course as required by REF (B)and in order to ensure schools are meeting the intent ofPresidential Executive Order 13607. j. U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 10/01/2021 03:39 PM EDT. To help members achieve their personal and professional goals, the Commandant increased Coast Guard tuition assistance for associate, bachelor and masters degreesfrom $3,750 to $4,500 annually for eligible members, the maximum level authorized across the military services. This will help you meet the fitness qualifications for graduation. If the command decides to make a change or additional comments to support the mark, please contact PPC-ADV to return the EER. The current VA disability pay rates show compensation for veterans with a disability rating 10% or higher. Pending the FY22 allocation of funding, this ALCOAST announces the FY22 TA policy, effective 01 Oct 2021.2. PSC follows up with a separate message announcing the "cuts" for each rating. Certificates earned from completing course requirements, aspart of a degree program and indicated on a member's degree plan,does not count toward the first certificate. See theETQC portal page for specific instructions on uploading degree plans:(Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser), The 2023 assignment season will include enlisted career counselors in EPM. We have found that some U&N EERs that are submitted are not within policy of the Enlisted Accessions, Evaluations and Advancements (Enlisted) Manual, COMDTINST M1000.2. We are relieving owners of these recreational vessels from certain inspection, maintenance, and recordkeeping requirements of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 10 (2010 edition). Satisfactory progress toward watch station quals, c. Satisfactory proficiency of craft, d. Satisfactory conduct during the six months prior, and e. Satisfactory progress towards participation standards ifmember is SELRES.4. Additionally, overpayment on an advance of funds, or final settlement of PPM claim could result in a debit collection action by FINCEN. Courses not listed on an approveddegree or certificate plan are not eligible for TA and will not beauthorized by ETQC. Every day civilians in the Coast Guard work together with military personnel to save lives, enforce the law, operate ports and waterways. The Coast Guard physical fitness program is designed to ensure that all Coast Guard members have the strength and stamina to perform their jobs safely and to emphasize lifelong health and fitness. These military pay tables apply to active members of the Navy, Marine Corps, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force. r. Deployable units engaging in the Afloat Education Program withan Embarked Instructor are reminded to follow the guidelinesoutlined in Article 11.G of REF (E). Cyber attacks pose a risk to the nations critical maritime infrastructure. Any EER that is submitted with a mark of Unsatisfactory for Conduct or Not Recommended for COs Recommendation is subject to review. Check out the National Guard Drill Pay Calculator! Commands are reminded torefrain from editing the MOU template posted on ETQC's websiteto meet their unique needs. The Healys crew mapped more than 12,000 square kilometers of previously uncharted seafloor, conducted search and rescue training with the Canadian coast guard and rangers, and strengthened connections with Western Hemisphere allies. CG-2003 (Rev. oK&wnu3^? You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. o. n. Units are strongly encouraged to build sufficient timelines toensure applications are completed, degree or certificate plans areuploaded, and member receives command approval well in advance ofthe class start date. The following chart explains the Coast Guard PFT standards: Jump off 5-foot platform into pool, swim 100 meters. All degree plans must be validated by ESOsprior to approving the TA application. In what is becoming an annual tradition of its own, MyCG has summarized the major topics, with resources to help you get the information you need. These changes will be reflected in the next revision of REF (E),which will be released within the next year.8. Your feedback will guide efforts to improve the Vessel Documentation Program. Which Loans Are OK, and Which Are Bad or Downright Crazy? More than 170 local students are already participating in this program, benefiting from a recruiting program that can engage with local operational units. The Coast Guard funds new research projects every year; heres how to share your innovative idea for improving hurricane response. The Coast Guard is also making significant investments in shore infrastructure, housing improvements, wharf upgrades, and more than $1.4 billion dollars in anticipated contracts to improve shore facilities. The new Polar Security Cutters name: Polar Sentinel. m. Reservists utilizing TA must upload their most recent pointstatement to the MyCG Ed portal, prior to submitting their TAapplication. The commandants address covered a lot of ground. receive questions. Visit hisFitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. hOAn0BBQ9B$UYRW[g^{3dA&! Other Coast Guard sources of funding and reimbursement programs for. q@fykuu"X MYrA~m5
pSG{SqLk?SraUHaJ.d9NT2_H" Iv>LGz=Txa*5w PwwYQ&uJJK[L]= `?kv*[8#C 0Mol(Q' o7DBEEkWG7 r2h i0*9Dd;g*1mm0&G"v Reserve Duty Status and Participation Manual, COMDTINST M1001.2(series)B. Significant change is occurring in our aviation community, where we are recapitalizing and changing the composition of our air assets. Schools authorized to receive TA funding must participate andhave a signed MOU with the DoD. about how long it. 2023 Proposed Military Pay Raise. The focus is to run shorter and faster runs in the week and a long, slower run at a comfortable pace on the weekend. Is It Risky to Buy a Home Before a Recession? Most Coast Guard paygrades receive automatic pay raises every one to two years, with lower paygrades reaching maximum pay more quickly then higher paygrades. hour. Measures those qualities the Coast Guard values in its people. i. Our efforts include building and growing a robust cyber workforce. and checks them for errors. Voluntary Education Programs, DoD Instruction (DoDI) 1322.25DC. Our personnel supported 13 contingencies in 2021, including: The Coast Guards tech revolution helpsus stay connected, supportsour workforce with an information system that is reliable, mobile, and integrated across platforms. The score from the test is based off of the standard deviation and mean. Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing, IUU fishing has replaced piracy as the leading global maritime security threat, resulting in tens of billions of dollars in economic losses for legal fishing enterprises. An official website of the United States government. Do not include thedate of submission to ETQC or the class start date within the 14 daycalculation. PPC (ADV) runs a "validate process" at least once a day which reviews. Cutters, aviation, and shore infrastructure
Combatting transnational criminal organizations, securing maritime borders and safeguarding maritime commerce around the globe, the Coast Guard ensures economic strength maritime security, and safety of life at sea. Customers can securely apply for a multi-year(one, up to fiveyear)Certificateof Documentation (COD)forrecreational vessels,one-yearCODsfor vessels with commercial and/or registry endorsements,or request an Abstractof Title (A/T)and/orCertifiedCopy of COD (CCOD). Unsatisfactory Conduct marks must be within the reasons stated in Article 5.B.1.a of the Enlisted Manual. ADVANCE PAYMENT: Under this program military member can receive reimbursement up to 100% of the GCC if they hire their own carrier, or up to 60% advance payment of an incentive of 95% of the GCC, if they move the property on their own. Weve made significant improvements in telehealth capabilities, and have increased mental health care access, strengthening the resilience of our workforce. 11 PPC (ADV) ensures profile letters containing exam score and final multiple score are posted in members Self Service section of DA. hbbd``b`$$X fS$ "A " GL mH Today, the state of the Coast Guard is strong. All rights reserved. (Dont miss: FSMS Update: Where to get help with travel vouchers or reimbursement claims. People who don't score well never divulge so the data is skewed. Financial Systems Modernization Solution (FSMS), MHS Genesis and Electronic Health Records, and DoD365 cloud computing are a few examples of major investments in IT infrastructure for our workforce. Lifetime credit hour limits for TA are as follows: 130semester hours for undergraduate work (or quarter/clock hoursequivalent) and 40 semester hours for graduate work. Reserve Pay - Starting out, you will earn approximately $292.00 per month for each drill weekend. 05-10) PCS TRAVEL ENTITLEMENTS WORKSHEET : Name (Last, First, MI) Rank/Rate . We are expanding our staffing by hiring mental health doctors, nurse case managers and behavioral health providers. The Joint Federal Travel Regulation (JFTR), Chap. (Learn more by visiting the Coast Guard Acquisitions Newsroom.) endstream
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U. S. Coast Guard . TA is not authorized for any degree above aMaster's degree, including Juris Doctor (JD), doctoral degrees (PhD), and similar terminal degrees. 12 PSC approves the advancement eligibility list and PPC (ADV) publishes and posts on the ADV web page. A 4.6% pay raise has been proposed for 2023, but will it keep up . View more newsletters on our Subscriptions page. For international shipments the GCC includes the Best Value surface Single Factor Rate". lab, graduation,internet usage, etc.). Medals & Awards: Maximum 10 points (dependent on level of award) Sea/Surf Duty: Maximum 30 points (2 points per year/2.333 per year for WMSLs) * Formula: Raw Score - Avg / SD x 10 + 50. The list is forwarded to PSC The annual cap for reimbursement of TA is $3750.00 per member. Get the scoop on discounts, pay, benefits, and our latest award-winning content. "ZG+384l[J33(vsDH'Wi.VbANz$_ c`HzQ+ The Reserve Affiliation Bonus pays eligible servicemembers a cash bonus of up to $20,000. Final Multiple Score, or FMS, is a calculation used by the United States Navy to determine whether or not enlisted sailors of the paygrades E-3, E-4, E-5, or E-6 are eligible to advance to the next paygrade. The message shows the schedule, by rating, of when they will make the transition over the next three years. Ns m7,y-P^26.SQg8Qn5oqXXLv BQ In order to truly get you SWE score, and thus final multiple, you need to have a large pool of people's scores. The service is working hard to support the afloat communitythrough initiatives like SWE exam points for cutter crews, mixed-gender berthing, expanded opportunities for women to serve underway, better mission management systems, longer cutter deferrals after childbirth, cutter-specific Teams user guides, and expanding access to cutter wifi. The Coast Guard workforce is our services most valuable resource. When you serve on active duty, you will receive full active-duty benefits, in addition to full-time pay and basic allowance for housing. Mandatory Academiccertificate plans are required before enrolling in and attending thefirst course within a certificate program funded with TA. %PDF-1.7
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