The Quality Improvement Center on Domestic Violence in Child Welfare is testing the feasibility of a Protective Factors Framework for Survivors of Domestic Violence in Massachusetts, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. This presentation is based on four years of research into parent support groups for parents raising children exposed to trauma; extensive interviews with agency administrators, group facilitators, and parents; and two years of data from over 30 groups. Join us for a conversation as we explore and spread the word on this free resourcethe healing power of natureand the benefits for families impacted by the child welfare system. Healthy families, organizations, and teams share common features. August 12-14, 2024 Preconference August 11 . Pay by credit card or select Bill Me option to receive an invoice. You should have also received an email from that will tell you to look for the login email. The UK GDPR is the retained EU law version of the GDPR. Tools will also be provided on how to engage youth locally, inform policies, and create greater outcomes for youth who have transitioned from the child welfare system. In this lab, participants will learn concrete strategies for delivering prevention services to families in communities outside the traditional child welfare paradigm. Presenters: Todd Holder, Action for Child Protection, Charlotte, NC; Sarah Kaye, Kaye Implementation & Evaluation, LLC, Tacoma, WA; Judy Tudor, Clark County Department of Family Services, Las Vegas, NV, F6 Supporting Families Access and Navigation of Multiple Service Systems: The Flourishing Family Approach. Presenters will walk step-by-step through a process of identifying family needs, assessing community resources, gathering community input, and co-designing cross-system action plans to reduce barriers and increase access to services that support families (kinship and adoptive). 3/1/2023 3/3/2023 NACC Race Equity Virtual Training Series. Registration for the four-day 2023 NACAC conference will open in March. Raffled items will include gift cards. 30 Days to Family is an urgent, intense, 30-day evidence-based intervention that works tirelessly to get children who have just entered foster care placed with family. Run by Thomas Chaix, our very own high performance coach and dedicated to flying Fifteens only. Facilitator: Marcus Stallworth, LMSW, CWLA Director of Training and Implementation, The 4 As Approach to Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Although race is merely a social construct, it has fractured American society for centuries. Many of these medications are prescribed off-label, with little proven benefit but significant risk. The implementation of strength-based, safe system reviews has provided our agency with an opportunity to shift the approach to understanding our system at each unique layer of the organization. Presenters: Kristen Gore & Jason Brennen & Katrina Dorse, Chapin Hall, Chicago, IL, E2 Raising the Future: Shared Leadership with Diverse Groups of Parents & Youth Nationwide. Many of these core principles can be applied to all familiesincluding birth, kin, foster, and adoptive. Utilizing safety science to impress value on all individuals participating allows us the space to critically think with peers while exploring ways to improve our practice through data-driven decision-making. It is important to consider how navigating multiple marginalized identities can create unique challenges for these youth when providing services to them. Through a partnership between its agencys leadership and human resources, CFSA has created a culture of wellness that promotes healthy lifestyle choices and employee engagement and focuses on addressing secondary traumatic stress (STS) at all agency levels. We will look at trauma-informed care initiatives, the Foster Care Centers of Excellence in Texas, and targeted training and behavioral health in-lieu of services with child welfare providers and professionals to impact the number of Behavioral Health in-patient admissions and readmissions in high-utilizing market regions in Florida. 0161 376 9007 View Programme Request to Speak Please note that this event is now finished Safeguarding Children Tuesday, 22 March 2022 Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre 09:00 - 16:00 View Programme Request to Speak 220+ Conference Attendees 8 CPD Credits 10 Expert Speakers 10 Sponsors & Supporters Overview Check out theOfficial Tourism Site of Washington, DCto plan your visit. We welcomed back our friends, colleagues, and partners old and new and connected, reconnected, recharged, and made decisions about how we collectively and as individuals, agencies, the child welfare system, and society as a whole can and must take action to achieve a better world for all children and families. This collective event will welcome over 300 delegates to Canmore, Alberta, October 5th through 7th, 2022. (2019). Participants in this action lab will also have a chance to continue the conversation in the months to come if they so choose. Join us as we discuss models for enhanced collaboration and how to drive change in child welfare systems across the country. Children and youth in foster care, adoption, and guardianship often have diverse unmet mental health needs. Washington, DC is filled withexciting and memorable places tovisit. Presenters: Vicky Kelly, Chair, CWLA Board of Directors; Commissioner Vannessa Dorantes of Connecticut; Steve Volk, Investigative Solutions Reporter, Resolve Philly and Stoneleigh Fellow, Wednesday, April 27 The presentation will show that families who identify a second adult as a social support fair better overall in personal growth as well as with relationships with and between children. Tote Bag Inserts An Exhibitor/Sponsor Exclusive! The model uses a variety of strategies to promote collaboration and systems-level change within and between child welfare agencies, substance use and mental health treatment providers, the judicial system, and other family-serving entities. Action Lab Sessions F States and local jurisdictions are applying research and practices that have emerged from family treatment courts to improve outcomes for families in the child welfare system who are affected by substance use disorders. This mixed model allows for a greater breadth of services in todays limited fiscal climate, and options for service delivery in a post-COVID world. Step 1 (of 4): Select a Month (Optional) Advocacy Day Activities, 12:15 pm 1:45 pm Join us to learn how the program blends family finding + family engagement + kinship navigation and how its scaling nationally! Think of Us (TOU) is an Action Tank driving systematic change in child welfare. The Chief Learning Officer is responsible for developing the strategy and administering the content delivered for professional development and other leadership training initiatives offered by CREW Network. CWLA will continue to advance this work by hosting the agenda on our website, sharing important research efforts and opportunities that support the agenda in our various publications and at our National Conferences. The conference will feature plenary sessions, a panel presentation, and 60-minute Action Labs. This experiential action lab will explore the steps of the process and provide participants with concrete tools for use in their field. Become a Conference Sponsor or sponsor a special event, foodfunction, or conference item. UC Davis Conference . Ref: DFE-00195-2018 Unfortunately, in many instances, different aspects of child sexual abuse investigation, assessment, and treatment are carried out by separate entities with limited communication. For 75 years, the Juvenile Welfare Board of Pinellas County, FL (JWB) has existed to meet the most pressing and immediate needs of Pinellas County children. Housing stability is foundational to the well-being, health and long-term prosperity of children, youth, families and communities at large. Physiological results highlight variability in visceral responses (e.g., heart rate) to environmental stressors. We will hear from international and local experts, the sector and the community, including those with lived experience. Cant be with us in person? To mitigate these issues, advance families well-being, avoid missed opportunities for addressing unmet needs, and prevent harm arising from trauma and separation, social work professionals are urged to adopt a Flourishing Family Approach to their child and family practice with families receiving services and supports in multiple service systems. Our Vision Together, the many stakeholders in child welfare-in addition to families and the states-can work to Make Medicaid Happen for youth in foster, adoptive, and guardianship care. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. This session will highlight the key components of this approach and provide attendees with action steps they can take to implement this approach in their practice and organization. This infrequently includes services that address economic hardship, which can be a driver of child welfare system involvement. The presentation will provide historical data that points to the disproportionality of services delivery in communities of color and the resulting outcomes. You have rejected additional cookies. Effective and respectful facilitated conversations assume that as helping professionals and organizations enhance their capacity to rebound from immediate crisis and weather persistent stress, they also gain vital resources to deal more efficiently with future challenges. Special activities, raffles, and prize giveaways also drive excitement and traffic to and through the exhibit hall! Crisis Assessment and Intervention When Trauma Strikes: A Five-Step Approach to Hope, Collaboration, and Change. Special activities, raffles, and prize giveaways featured in the exhibit hall will increase exhibitor exposure and attendee engagement. This session will discuss the barriers faced by youth who identify as LGBTQ+, the additional challenges for youth of color who identify as LGBTQ+, how to use an intersectional lens to inform your work, organizational policies to reduce these barriers, and a model and tools from HRCs All ChildrenAll Families for practice improvement. April 11-13 and April 18-20, 2023 The 23rd National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN), sponsored by the Children's Bureau, will be held virtually over the course of two weeks in April 2023. In 2022, the National CASA/GAL Association for Children will offer an opportunity to come together for collaboration, training and professional development at an in-person Annual Conference in June. Salt Lake City, Utah. Presenters: Philip Breitenbucher, California Baptist University, Riverside, CA; Kerry Browning, Department of Health and Human Services, Lackawanna County, PA, E5 Prevention, Permanency, Proven Results: The National Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams (START) Model. . This presentation will discuss how systemic partnerships between housing and child and family serving systems can effectively improve outcomes for children and families across the prevention continuum. In September 2017, NCWWI celebrated the first National Child Welfare Workforce Development Month. 9:45 am 10:45 am, H1 Building the Next Generation of Child Welfare Leaders: Leading, Learning and Linkages. Presenters: Joe Huang-Racalto, John Sciamanna, and Kati Mapa, CWLA, Washington DC, C2 Operationalizing a Community Pathway to Prevention: Partnering with Families to Strengthen Communities(Spotlight Track). A Virtual Event Hosted by UC Davis. The UK GDPR sits alongside the Data Protection Act 2018. Full registration fees include workshops, general sessions, Wednesday reception, and membership for non-members. 1:45 pm 2:45 pm, A1 Child Maltreatment Re-reporting, Recurrence, and Foster Care Re-entry: Identifying Risk and Protective Factors for Practice and Policy Change. We need to collectively work hand-in-hand with families, communities, and other systems, as well as federal, state, and local leadership, to eliminate the many barriers to achieving our vision. Bryan Samuels, Executive Director at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, together with federal leaders from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will explore the current policy context and re-imagine whats possible to both dramatically prevent the need for child welfare system involvement in the lives of families and to achieve race equity. Presenters: Ross Whiting and Madeliene Alger, Walter Rand Institute-Rutgers University, Camden, NJ; Lydia Ramsey, Family Strengthening Network, Bridgeton, NJ, A4 Justice Systems from a Childs Perspective: Supporting Child Victims and Witnesses through Trauma-Informed Materials. This presentation will describe the framework, data and analytic methods agencies can use to implement the framework, and lessons from applications of these methods. A segment of this session will focus on quality parenting and in particular a Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI). The purpose of the Blind Removal Process is to promote racial equity within the child welfare system in order to achieve better outcomes for children and families. High levels of work-related stress in child protection remain a public health concern. Select thePremium Full Conference Registrationto participate in an additional day and a half of exceptional educational offerings. While most parents want to do what is best for their families, they cannot always do it alone. However, child welfare systems often face barriers to achieving this goal due to the challenge of assessing community service needs, the inability to identify gaps in service arrays based on assessed needs, and the absence of a CQI processes to improve access to services over time. Held biennially since 1976, NCCAN is the only federally sponsored national conference devoted to child maltreatment. Conference. The purpose is to create a resource that can assist separating families, training specialists, community providers, court mediation staff, and others in learning how to work together with the common goal of putting the needs of the children first. PDF, 300 KB, 13 pages. Exhibit Hall Floor Plan to be posted shortly. Senior Child Mental Health Advisor - Social Services. The NCSEA Leadership Symposium is an annual conference for the child support community to share and celebrate the application of best practices, partnerships, and innovative thinking within the day to day management and operations of the child support program. The closest airport to the conference is Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). Kohn works with educators and parents across the country and speaks regularly at national conferences. A skills-based training that examines facilitated conversations using a five-step approach, developed by CWLA Senior Fellow Michael Schultz, as one way to foster the hope, collaboration, and change needed to assess and intervene when trauma and tragedy strike. This session will focus on the efforts of The Childrens Village to incorporate a racial equity lens into their work with families. As part of an ambitious, multi-year strategy to advance racial justice and equity in medicine, the AMA has committed to working in partnership with key stakeholders to address determinants of health and set more children up for long and healthy lives. We greatly enjoyed seeing you in Washington, DC, and are looking forward to next year! Wednesday, April 27 This presentation describes an analytic framework that state and local child welfare agencies and system partners can use to measure economic risk factors in child welfare. I am pursuing my Bachelor's of Social Work and I'm passionate about school social work, child welfare, and mental health. For years CWLA has been asking males within child welfare why many men in the field often feel overlooked and under-utilized. Having been apart for so long, we all relished the ample opportunities for networking and reconnecting with friends and colleagues from across the country. Payment in full is due withregistration. Conference - Ohio CASA. This is now exacerbated by the health and social injustice pandemics. The National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect is known for its inclusive scope and ability to attract participants, which includes field professionals, researchers, policy makers, parents, youth with lived experience, volunteers representing a wide variety of disciplines, and community-based providers. Oct 17, 2022 Join NCFL for in-person professional development this fall The hybrid 2022 Families Learning Conference kicks off virtually Oct. 25-26! Presenter: Daphne Torres-Douglas, The Childrens Village, Dobbs Ferry, NY, C6 Partnering with Medicaid-Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) in Child Welfare. Presenters: Kathleen McNaught & Emily Peeler, ABA Center on Children and the Law, Washington, DC, Thursday, April 28 This session will provide participants with recommendations towards implementing STS and wellness strategies based on DC CFSAs strategy and lessons learned. Programs will be highlighted from Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, and Nebraska. Presenters: Alan Vietze, CWLA Senior Fellow and Chair, Mental Health Advisory Board (MHAB), CA; and MHAB members: Pat Hunt, FREDLA, ME; Susan Montague, St. Francis Ministries, KS; Julie Collins, CWLA/MHAB Staff Support, DC. Visit the NAICJA Conference Page National American Indian Court Judges Association Our Partners Like and Follow Us on Facebook Tonier works tirelessly to raise the awareness about trauma informed care around the world. Presenter: Richard Heyl de Ortiz, CASA of New York State; Alexandra Fields-Evans,CASA of DC, Thursday, April 28 And what trauma is caused by race and its influence on laws, policies, and individual behaviors? To shift this perspective, leadership must prioritize CQI as a lever for change and growth. Corrected a small error in chapter 5, footnote 99. Participants will discuss how the Centers practice model has been operationalized to support kinship family-centered engagement and partnership, including the implementation of a statewide kinship navigator workgroup comprised of stakeholders. This workshop begins the critical conversation about the intersection between race and trauma, and its impact on us collectively and as individuals. This session will highlight lessons from the Statewide System Improvement Program and feature a state and local practitioner who will discuss the benefits and challenges of this approach. The Vice President of Communications oversees the organization's communications, editorial, media, design and advertising sales functions to produce a wide range of high-quality, accessible and compelling communication products and content for a diverse set of member and external audiences. Services are provided to Indian children, consistent with the federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Washington State Indian Child Welfare Act, in the areas of child protective services, foster care, dependency guardianship, termination of parental rights, and adoption proceedings. Presenters: Grey Hilliard-Koshinsky, New England Association of Child Welfare Commissioners and Directors, Boston, MA; Sylvia Parrott, New England Youth Coalition (NEYC), Boston, MA, C4 Leading Systems Change through the Family Treatment Court Movement: A Coordinated Statewide Strategy. 2023 Save the Date The session will conclude with the sharing of technical assistance and training resources available through the Division of State Systems (DSS) in the Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACYF). 8:00 am 5: 00 pm Healing from trauma and promoting resilience are pathways to child and family well-being that should be integrated into child welfare practice. The two-day Training Institute offers an extended learning opportunity for conference attendees. Exhibitors receive an over 30% discount on conference program advertising (as detailed below), Reserve program ad space by March 14, 2022, To advertise,REGISTER ONLINE. Re-imagining child welfare for the 21st century requires new perspectives if prevention and race equity are to be attainable. Functional Family Therapy in Foster Care (FFT in FC) is a family focused and trauma informed treatment designed for the Foster Care System. For the first time since 2019, CWLA utilized our connections with and access to Congress, the Administration, and other national coalitions and organizations to provide attendees with opportunities to dialogue with these important stakeholders. This action lab is a facilitated panel discussion that will highlight how Family First strategies have been used to leverage the unique and inherent assets of rural communities for positive impact. Training Institute Only registration is also available. Presenter: Wendy Garen, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Los Angeles, CA; Tamara Hunter, LA County Commission for Children and Families, Los Angeles, CA; Elise Weinberg, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles, CA, H8 Stratifying Treatment: Creating Change Through the Lens of Culture and Trauma(session repeat), Friday, April 29 In this action lab, AMA Board Chair Bobby Mukkamala, MD, a head and neck surgeon from Flint, Michigan, will offer his personal perspective on the devastating impact of social determinants of health and how addressing problems upstream can lead to better outcomes for children and families. Presenters: Ashley Krumbach, Department of Child Services, Noblesville, IN; Rachel Parrett, Ashley Kaelin, Lauren Zyla-Whetstone, Department of Child Services, Indianapolis, IN, H4 Removing Bias in the Child Welfare System: A Promising Strategy Toward Reducing Overrepresentation of Children in Foster Care (from minority groups) through the Blind Removal Process. Research has found a significant association between family time and permanency and well-being outcomes. Exhibitors can also donate prizes to be raffled. Sustainable development is an organizing principle that aims to meet human development goals while also enabling natural systems to provide necessary natural resources and ecosystem services to humans. This skills-building workshop offers a brief history and overview of effective behavioral-based interventions, highlights the science behind these interventions, and identifies barriers that have limited the expansion of these models. . Do we really understand the power race holds while being only an illusion? Presenters: Christine James-Brown and Julie Collins, CWLA, Washington, D.C.; representative from Casey Family Programs, TBC, D7 Child Protection System Reform in Sri Lanka: Global Theory and Practice with Relevance for FFPSA. This session will focus on the value and purpose of having a Birth Parent Advisory Board as an integral part of policy and practice reform in child welfare agencies. Child Welfare. The workshop will be facilitated . The events of 2020including a global pandemic, a nationwide conversation about systemic racism, and a contentious electionallowed us to immediately put our core values into practice. This presentation by the National Parent Leadership Team and Parents Anonymous Inc. will focus on 10 Essential Steps to Meaningful Shared Leadership with Parents & Youth to achieve positive outcomes. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Action Lab Sessions A In 2021, the Indiana Department of Child Services spoke with caseworkers about the difficulties of conducting investigations of maltreatment. Interested in promoting your products and services in the conference program? With feedback from resource and kinship dads, direct staff, managers, supervisors, and community members, we have developed an initiative designed to make intentional efforts to ensure all members of our professional team are valued and included. These characteristics are building blocks for healing, empowerment, and resilience during times of crisis and trauma. We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Despite the challenges faced with COVID-19, coaching continues to grow in the field of health and human services. Attendance is required for both sessions. This presentation will provide an overview of FFT in FC and discuss the results of recent evaluations indicating how FFT in FC promotes stability and successful permanency. 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