HB 11: Schools for the Deaf and Blind. Also, there is no additional funding associated with the requirements of the bill. DPI deploys the survey in the spring of every odd numbered year to help assess youth behaviors that impact their health now and in the future. The IRS Increased the Teacher Tax Deduction. Click here to apply. The budget includes other bonuses for teachers funded in other ways. What does that mean for K-12 education? Speakers included Governor Roy Cooper, Senate leader Phil Berger, and House Speaker Tim Moore. Wake Up Charlotte To Go is a daily news and weather podcast you can listen to so you can start your day with the team atWake Up Charlotte. May 5, 2022, by HB 38: Entry Fees for High School Interscholastic Events (primary sponsors: Representatives Reece Pyrtle, R-Rockingham; Jason Saine, R-Lincoln; Ben Moss, R-Richmond; Charles Miller, R-Brunswick) was filed on Tuesday and requires cash to be an accepted form of payment when there is a fee to attend a high school interscholastic athletic event. The NEA salary report released Monday estimated that North Carolina's average teacher salary is $54,392, up slightly from last school year's revised total of $54,150. The long session budget last year included an average 2.5% pay increase in the second year of the biennium, so the newly proposed pay increase replaces that. Beginning teachers will now start out at $37,000 instead of the slightly more than $35,000 they previously got. At its November 10, 2022, meeting, PEPSC approved a version of this blueprint to be sent to the SBE for approval. HB 17 is a constitutional amendment that requires 14 State Board of Education (SBE) members to be elected to four-year terms from districts established by the General Assembly. K-12 Education Budget Budget 2022-2023 Below are the Guidance Documents related to SL 2022-74 (HB103) - Budget for 2022-23 Session Law 2022-74 (H103) Summary of 2022-23 Budget Budget Comparison State Grants Administered by DPI FAQ for Principal Salary FAQ for non-certified salary updated July 14, 2022 2022 AP/IB/CIE Teacher Legislated Bonuses Bonus Payment Information Session Law 2018- 5, Senate Bill 99, Section 8.10 Frequently Asked Questions. The K-12 education-related recommendations include: Click here for an article on the meeting and the report. Finally, Democrats re-elected Senator Dan Blue, D-Wake, as Minority Leader. The bill also makes the State Superintendent the chair of the SBE. The bill also makes the State Superintendent the chair of the SBE. 1:07. The plan also increases the state match. More than 100 bills have already been filed in the first eight working days of this long legislative session. HB 115: School Calendar Flexibility/Catawba & Cities. Local Education Bills Approved by the House. PESPC is scheduled to present recommendations for the pilot at the Boards March meeting. As a reminder, this draft model would pay teachers based on performance, effectiveness, and years of experience, rather than exclusively on years of experience. This follows Superior Court Judge Michael Robinsons November 30, 2022, letter to Chief Justice Newby requesting the case be reassigned to another judge because of Robinsons workload and demands on his docket as a Business Court Judge. Teacher licensure/salary model blueprint for action update: The Board was presented with statutory, rule, and policy changes that would need to be made to establish a pilot program of the teacher licensure/salary model blueprint. Last year, lawmakers put a 2.5% pay increase into place for community college personnel. In the final week before the end of the fiscal year, the Republican-led House and Senate agreed to a budget compromise that includes a 4.2% average raise for teachers for 2022-23. Teacher vacancy rates were also presented, which show a drastic increase in teacher vacancies from the 2020-21 school year to the 2021-22 school year. Multiple North Carolina school districts have rolled out retention bonuses for teachers. PEPSC will present these recommendations at the SBE meeting on March 1 and 2. Just let us know! Chair Davis noted the need for more mental health support personnel in schools and referenced the Boards legislative budget priorities that aim to fill those positions (see above). 1 Retired state employees and retired teachers will get a 4% cost-of-living bonus this year, a 1% increase over what would have happened without a 2022 budget. In addition to a $250,000 grant directly for the organization, theres $500,000 for an interoperable student data systems study fund, and $160,000 for a national student clearinghouse data fund. North Carolina is emerging from the pandemic stronger than before, and we will sustain that only if we invest in a strong foundation for our people: a quality education, good jobs and infrastructure, and access to affordable healthcare, Cooper said in a statement. For a more detailed analysis of the education-related items in the omnibus spending bill, click, All students should receive a high-quality standard education, NC should continue to increase educator pay, allow educators to focus on instructional duties, and provide educators with growth and advancement opportunities, Chair Torbett noted he is watching the teacher pay/licensure work of the Professional Educator Preparation and Standards Commission (PEPSC) and SBE, All children deserve a safe place to learn free from distraction, The NC student assessment system should be designed to generate useful data to help ensure students post-secondary success, DPI should conduct a statewide survey to determine what schools are implementing regarding competency-based education, The State should move toward a service level model rather than a disability category model to ensure students are not over identified or placed in high-cost funding tiers, Excellent Public Schools Act/Read to Achieve/Literacy, DPI should partner with the UNC system and independent colleges and universities as they incorporate the science of reading into educator preparation programs (EPPs), DPI should focus on incorporating highly effective interventions in low-performing schools, The General Assembly should continue supporting evidence-based early literacy practices and interventions, Schools That Lead, which provides professional development to school administrators and teachers, and the UNC systems EPPs should collaborate to better equip beginning teachers, 30% of females reported that they seriously considered suicide, compared to 14% of males, 49% of LGBTQ+ students reported purposefully hurting themselves without wanting to die, compared to 13% of heterosexual students, 13% of students reported experiencing physical dating violence, compared to 7% in 2019, 14% of students reported being bullied on school property, compared to 19% in 2019, New pathway entry points, such as apprenticeships, New professional learning tools and structures for beginning and experienced teachers, US Senate HELP (Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions) Committee held a hearing to discuss the mental health needs of students and how the federal government can better support and ease the transition from high school to college. Mary Mathew | In that memo, sent last week, department officials initially told schools they didnt know how the shortfall would be resolved. The 2023 legislative long session kicks off with a ceremonial day on Wednesday, January 11. December 13, 2021, 2023 EducationNC. by Alex Granados, EducationNC June 29, 2022, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.. Governor Cooper released on Wednesday his 2022-23 State Budget Proposal, entitled Building on Success, which includes over half a billion dollars in proposed investments to education. Randolph County Public School System is offering every district employee a $5,000 bonus, a resolution . You can read more about what pay educators can expect here. On Wednesday, the House approved HB 26: Education Omnibus(primary sponsors: Representatives John Torbett, R-Gaston; Hugh Blackwell, R-Burke; Mike Clampitt, R-Swain) on a 75-42 vote. by Anna Pogarcic, EducationNC December 16, 2021, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.. Greater impact will occur in the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. CORRECTION:A previous version of this article stated that recent federal legislation would have made reduced-price school lunch meals free. On Monday, myFutureNC held a forum on The State of Educational Attainment in North Carolina. This schedule is approved annually by the general assembly and sets a minimum pay based on the educators years of experience and education level. Click here for an official bill summary. When explaining allotments that address student characteristics, it was noted that many school districts exceed specific funding formula caps, including funding for Academically or Intellectually Gifted students and Limited English Proficiency students. We must renew and redouble efforts to improve reading outcomes for all students. Applicants will be notified of their selection on February 24, and the first meeting will be on March 7. 9:00 am Joint Meeting of House and Senate Appropriations Committees Legislative Offices Building, rm 643 (livestream), 10:00 am House Local Government Committee Legislative Building, rm 1228/1327 (livestream), 12:00 pm Senate State and Local Government Committee Legislative Offices Building, rm 423 (livestream), 8:30 am Joint Meeting of House and Senate Education Appropriations Committees Legislative Offices Building, rm 423 (livestream). One controversial measure championed by Republicans is the opportunity scholarship program, which gives state funds for students to attend private schools. HB 17 is a constitutional amendment that requires 14 State Board of Education (SBE) members to be elected to four-year terms from districts established by the General Assembly. HB 81: Increase Halifax Co. Bd. Other edits must be approved by emailing Anna Pogarcic at, Photos and other multimedia elements (audio, video, etc.) On Wednesday, January 25, the House and Senate reconvened to begin work for the 2023 legislative long session. The Portrait identifies seven competencies that students need for success after high school (click here for the list). State Superintendent Catherine Truitt explained the why behind the creation of the Portrait, saying that employers seek durable skills almost four times more than the top five technical/hard skills. The following local school calendar bills passed the House on Wednesday on an 111-2 vote: The following local school calendar bills were approved by the House Education K-12 Committee on Tuesday and were referred to the House Rules Committee, which is the last stop before going to the House floor for a vote: The following local school calendar bills were filed this week and referred to the House Education K-12 Committee: So far during this legislative session, two statewide and fourteen local school calendar bills have been filed. To provide additional background information on each item in the Legislative Agenda, including NCSBAs position, the Governmental Relations team is publishing issue briefs, which are linked below. . Budget requests for 2023 legislative long session: The Board approved the DPI/SBE budget requests for the upcoming 2023 legislative long session. Parents across North Carolina want a greater say in their childs educationfrom being involved and knowledgeable about the curriculum, to the opportunity to send their child to a school that fits that childs educational needs. According to the presentation, graduation rates and chronic absenteeism in these schools generally improved. On top of these bonuses for state employees, teachers will get an additional $1,300 in bonuses, while principals will get an additional $1,800. $10 million for Smart Start; provides grant funds for community colleges to host early childhood education centers. Though charter schools are not subject to the same regulations as other public schools, all schools are required to follow the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Click here for the presentation that includes all budget requests. All rights reserved.The EdNC mark is property of EducationNC and registered as a state trademark with the North Carolina Secretary of State.Terms of service | Privacy policy, Joint appropriations committee on June 29, 2022. 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data: The Board was presented with 2021 YRBS data. Requests include the following: Additionally, the Board approved a motion requesting support from the General Assembly and Governor for full implementation of the Leandro Comprehensive Remedial Plan (see next section for most recent Leandro updates), approval of the Boards 2023 budget requests, and approval of pilot implementation of the new teacher licensure/salary model once dollar amounts are provided (see below for most recent update). A Chaotic Start to a New Congress: What Educators Need to Know, Meeting the Mental Health Challenge in School and at Home, Teacher licensure/salary model blueprint for action, Legislative requests for the 2023 long session, Developing Excellent Leaders for Effective Schools, Excellent Public Schools Act 2021-22 State Summary, What Voters and Parents Want In Education, Analysis of State Policies on Teacher and Principal Evaluations, Temporarily allows the Alamance-Burlington Board of Education to adjust the school calendar to address pandemic learning loss, Allows the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County and Stokes County boards of education to open schools no earlier than August 11 and, if the first semester ends prior to December 31, allows the boards to administer assessments prior to the end of that semester, Charlotte-Mecklenburg, Davidson County, Guilford County, Jackson County, Lexington City, Swain County, Thomasville City, and Transylvania County boards of education were added to the bill prior to approval by the, Allows the Catawba County, Newton-Conover City, and Hickory City boards of education to have local control over the school calendar, Burke County, Cleveland County, Cumberland County, Davie County, Rutherford County, Wake County, and Yadkin County boards of education were added to the bill prior to approval by the, Anson County Board of Education was added to the bill prior to passage on the House floor, Allows the Pitt County Board of Education to open schools no earlier than August 15, unless August 15 falls on a weekend, then the opening date will be either the Friday immediately preceding or the Monday immediately following August 15, Allows the Halifax County Board of Education to open schools as early as the Monday closest to August 10, Allows the Person County and Durham County boards of education to open schools no earlier than August 10 and, if the first semester ends prior to December 31, allows the boards to administer assessments prior to the end of that semester, Allows the Buncombe County and Asheville City boards of education to have local control over the school calendar, Allows the Craven County Board of Education to open schools no earlier than August 10 and, if the first semester ends prior to December 31, allows the board to administer assessments prior to the end of that semester, Allows the Lee County Board of Education to open schools no earlier than August 10 and, if the first semester ends prior to December 31, allows the board to administer assessments prior to the end of that semester, Allows the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District Board of Education to have local control over the school calendar and, if the first semester ends prior to December 31, allows the board to administer assessments prior to the end of that semester, Pay increases for teachers and principals, Modifying the school psychologist allotment law, Increases penalties and modifies definitions for certain sex offenses against students, Increases penalties for failure of school administrators to report certain misconduct to the State Board of Education, Clarifies the forfeiture of retirement benefits for certain felonies, One race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex, An individual, solely by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, An individual, solely by virtue or his or her race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex, The United States was created by members of a particular race or sex for the purpose of oppressing members of another race of sex, Contracting with, hiring, or otherwise engaging speakers, consultants, diversity trainers, and other persons for the purpose of discussing the 13 concepts, Expands conditions that trigger an increased drivers license restoration fee from when a license is mandatorily revoked under the statutory offense concerning a conviction of driving a school bus, school activity bus, or childcare vehicle after consuming alcohol, Extends the pilot program for the States two virtual charter schools from 10 to 11 years, ending the pilot with the 2025-26 school year, Authorizes increased student enrollment in each remaining year of the pilot program, At the end of the pilot program, allows the two virtual charter schools to apply to the State Board of Education (SBE) for a charter renewal, Beginning with the 2023-24 school year, allows new remote charter academy applications and charter modifications to include a remote charter academy to be submitted to SBE for approval, The remote charter academy enrollment guidelines, approval process, operational and renewal requirements, and evaluation mirror requirements for LEA remote academies established in, Allows children with disabilities who received services prior to enrolling in a LEA the opportunity to continue receiving those services from the same provider while at school, provided the LEA utilizes private providers for that service and if certain criteria are met, Provides paid leave for State employees, public school employees, and community college employees for organ donation, Allows American Indian students to wear cultural objects at public school graduation ceremonies, Provides training to students and school personnel on recognizing and responding when a person is having a seizure, Prohibits sex education before seventh grade, Requires LEAs to get parental consent before a student receives sex education, Requires LEAs to use best practices in developing discipline policies that do not discriminate against students on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, or disability, Requires LEAs to include in their discipline policies measures that will be taken to support a student during suspension, including mitigating learning loss, Provides funding for DPI to establish the High School To Work pilot grant program, which creates opportunities for high school students to connect with local businesses to develop skills and contacts for future jobs, Incrementally increases the dropout age from 16 to 18 years over a five-year period, Clarifies that parents and guardians must send children to school while school is in session, unless the child graduates high school first, Staggers the terms of office for members elected to the Winston-Salem/Forsyth Board of Education, Changes the election of the Pamlico County Board of Education from nonpartisan to partisan, Changes the election of the McDowell County Board of Education from nonpartisan to partisan, Changes the election of the Mitchell County Board of Education from nonpartisan to partisan, NC DPI and School Districts Win Mental Health and Student Wellness Grants from the US Department of Education. Market Realist is a registered trademark. At its meeting on December 12, the Task Force was presented with 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) data (see slides 54-73). SB 83: No High Risk Apps/Govt Networks & Devices(primary sponsors: Senators Timothy Moffit, R-Henderson; Jim Perry, R-Lenoir; Bobby Hanig, R-Currituck) had its first committee hearing this week when the Senate State and Local Government Committee approved the bill and referred it to the Senate Judiciary Committee. All full-time state employees, including teachers and principals, who were employed as of Dec. 1 will be getting $1,000 bonuses. State Superintendents district and regional support plan: Superintendent Truitt presented the Board with a different approach to how NC DPI supports all schools with an equity lens on low performing schools. The Superintendents plan includes reorganizing the current structure of district and regional support to provide more coordinated support from the federal, state, and regional levels. If this cash admission requirement would cause a potential burden on your school district, please email Rebekah Howard at rhoward@ncsba.org with more information. Click here for a list of Committee members to contact if you have concerns about the upcoming report. The North Carolina Virtual Public School teachers who are also employed with your district or charter are eligible for the bonus. Statewide Education Bills with Action This Week. Previously, those instructors were limited to retired military. All teachers will get $300 from funds that would have otherwise been spent on bonuses for teachers who improve students reading scores. The model is expected to provide higher salaries for most, if not all, teachers. The concern is that without such funding. The State Board put Torchlight Academy on Level 3 Governance Noncompliance Status, which lasts 10 calendar days and means the school must immediately correct the issues. RALEIGH, N.C. The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction will have to use a reserve fund to cover all of the $1,000 bonuses for teachers included . Where do NC students go after high school? Terms . The legislature plans to start conducting business on Wednesday, January 25. The budget was taken up in a joint appropriations committee today, but only for discussion. Grad. What has changed is weve enforced the methodology thats prescribed in law.. 8:00 am Joint meeting of the House and Senate education appropriations committees Legislative Offices Building, rm 423 (livestream), 10:00 am House Local Government Committee Legislative Building, rm 1228/1327 (livestream), 1:00 pm House Education K-12 Committee Legislative Offices Building, rm 643 (livestream). You can also access the issue briefs on NCSBAs website. NCSBA does not anticipate that either of these bills will have a committee hearing. This is a great victory for districts across North Carolina, said Sharpe. Other edits must be approved by emailing Anna Pogarcic at, Photos and other multimedia elements (audio, video, etc.) It also provides a $300 bonus for teachers whose salaries are paid by the state, paid for using re-purposed merit pay that cant be distributed because of insufficient accountability data caused by COVID-19 learning disruptions. Truitt also presented the Portrait Playbook, which is meant to familiarize school districts with Portrait competencies. That means some students are going hungry, North Carolina schools have spent 43.9% of their $8.2 billion allotment, New NC legislative session brings raft of issues, unpredictable action, How NCs new tax cuts will save taxpayers billions, State Superintendent Catherine Truitt launches revision of strategic plan Operation Polaris, North Carolina regional teachers of the year announced, NC House Republicans scrap rule to veto override votes. The long-running Leandro court case is currently sitting at the North Carolina Supreme Court, and it will ultimately decide if a judges decision to force the state to turn over $1.7 billion to fund the plan was proper or not. mskeens@ncsba.org, Rob Black In November 2022, the NCSBA Delegate Assembly approved NCSBAs 2023-2024 Legislative Agenda, which is used to guide the Associations advocacy efforts. Mr. Mercer is the 2022-23 recipient of the Raleigh Dingman Award for Outstanding Boardsmanship. This makes it much easier for schools with JROTC programs to staff the instructor positions. The purpose of the Program is to provide grant funds to public school units to engage in experiential science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education programs. The legislation passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. Updated: 4:01 PM EST January 4, 2022. One big concern from the State Board of Education and the State Department of Public Instruction (DPI) are the rising costs of fuel for school transportation. The legislation contains important education-related items including: Title 1 increases of $850 million to a total of $18.39 billion, assisting more than half the nations public schools. Allowable edits to the content of the piece include changes to meet your publications style guide and references to dates (i.e. We stayed up late to crunch the numbers, and this budget funds just over half of the FY23 costs of the Leandro Plan. Click here for an article on the presentation to the Board. HB 81: Increase Halifax Co. Bd. Superintendent Truitt provided an update on each of Operation Polaris priorities (see slides 2-11): Superintendent Truitt also presented a different approach to how DPI supports low-performing schools (see slides 12-21), which she presented to the State Board of Education last week. of Ed. We must disabuse ourselves of the notion that more money alone buys positive outcomes for our students. Additionally, Senate Leader Berger re-appointed Senator Bill Rabon, R- Brunswick, to serve as Chairman of the Senate Rules Committee. SB 49 was approved by the Education Committee and, on Thursday, was approved by the Senate Health Care Committee. Updates on the school performance grade redesign concerned indicators that DPIs Testing and Accountability Working Group plans to include in its proposed accountability model. The bill also requires DPI to submit a report to the General Assembly by February 15, 2024, on suggested changes to the school accountability model. The organization focuses on improvement efforts at the classroom level, in order to elevate student outcomes. Please email Anna Pogarcic atapogarcic@ednc.orgif you have any questions. Alex Granados | Making the Grade 2022 How Fair is School Funding in Your State? If the school does not address the issues outlined above, the State Board could revoke its charter. On Wednesday, the Fiscal Research Division provided an overview of state funding for student financial aid programs and the NC State Education Assistance Authority presented information about K-12 programs. NOW is the time to call and email members of the NC Congressional delegation to urge the inclusion of this important language in the final version of the Defense Authorization Bill. HB 88: Guilford Board of Education Vacancies, HB 106: School Calendar Flexibility/Forsyth,WS,Stokes, HB 111: School Calendar Flexbility/Durham and Person, HB 115: School Calendar Flexibility/Catawba & Cities. of Ed. As Congress wraps up its business before the end of the year, theres an opportunity to help schools operating JROTC programs. As previously reported by Alex Granados, teachers will be eligible for up to $2,800 in bonuses. A lock icon or https:// means youve safely connected to the official website. These indicators strive to measure school performance in a variety of ways, rather than solely focusing on test scores, and they include: The States current model calculates school grades based on 80% student achievement and 20% school growth. All rights reserved.The EdNC mark is property of EducationNC and registered as a state trademark with the North Carolina Secretary of State.Terms of service | Privacy policy, Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Click here for an article on the Working Groups November 7, 2022 meeting, which includes a review of the survey results and discussion about which indicators should be prioritized. Treasurer Folwell said the Aetna contract could create $140 million in cost savings over five years. The final three issue briefs will be included in next Fridays Legislative Update. Growing your career as a Full Time [2022 - 2023] Gaston Elementary School Special Education Teacher (Signing Bonus $3K - $5K) is an amazing . The budget also calls for a $1,000 bonus for teachers and instructional support personnel who participate in at least one training between March 12, 2020, and January 1, 2022, that address the mitigation of COVID-19 in public schools, learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, or virtual instruction needed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.. , video, etc. budget was taken up in a joint appropriations Committee today but! The numbers, and this budget funds just over half of the year, theres an opportunity help... Schools operating JROTC programs to staff the instructor positions offering every district employee a $ 5,000 bonus, resolution. Multimedia elements ( audio, video, etc. for most, if not all, teachers get! Be approved by emailing Anna Pogarcic at, Photos and other multimedia elements ( audio,,., Photos and other multimedia elements ( audio, video, etc. improve... 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