A sexagesm, ultimately, is one-sixtieth of something. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Ya know, much easier to put the ball in the hole from the green. Software has been extensively modified by the DU administrators. PG-13 Insults That Still Sting. Que: What four-letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you cant get it you can always just use your hands? Que: Name a word that starts with f and ends with u-c-k? Suzie from Carson City on August 23, 2012: Very good! 33. The fly half laid down a perfect grubber. Sometimes a finger goes inside me. What am I? The prefix sexa is derived from the Latin word for "six" rather than its Greek equivalent, heks. Whos the most popular girl at the nudist colony? I have a mission tomorrow - try to spead the word about this funny hub to all of my friends. 3. 61. 19. 18. The explanations for the terms were created with help from Steven H. Strogatz, a professor of mathematics at Cornell University and the author of a popular book about math whose own title sounds a bit racy, "The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Math, From One to Infinity." Get in the hole! Wankapin, or water chinquapin, is another name for the American lotus, Nelumbo lutea, a flowering plant native to Central American wetlands. 34. A very small-minded person with a cowardly spirit then, sounds . What is it? HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. 27 English Words That Sound Really Dirty But Actually Aren't Joshua Moraes No matter what your age, or where you're from, there are a few words in the English language that will make you. I have a stiff shaft. Ill fill your holes when you ask me to. Check if they can find the answer for it. If you see me in bed, you whack me off. Home; Programs. I come with a quiver. 2. I wasnt a maiden for long. We aim to provide our readers with an informative detail about the viral stories that have been occurring around us. Weenus the loose skin covering the outside of the elbow joint. 39. The first part of the name is the Greek word for pitch, pissa. "Yes, my favorite animal is definitely the. One that sounds even closer to the dirtiest of all dirty words is Fakt. UP++. Sextuple consisting of six parts or things. An expensive piece of tail, I come with a large pair. What am I? (Even ones who are straight. Its one of a family of late 18thearly 19th century Scots words all of similar meaning, including perjinkity, perskeety, and, most familiar of all, pernickety. Lists do not only work on BuzzFeed as we can see HOREHOUND - A flavoring used in hard candy. 1. Fuk was an old Middle English word for a sail, and in particular the foremost sail on a ship. Whats at least six inches long, goes in your mouth, and is more fun when it vibrates? You put your hands on me and then go up and down. Staying with furnaces, a tease-hole is simply the opening in a glassmakers furnace through which the fuel is added. Voted up and funny. 27. 44. I start with a p and end with o-r-n. Im a major player in the film industry. Both sexangle and the equally indelicate sexagon are simply 17th-century names for what is otherwise known as a hexagon, a plane geometric shape with six sides. In other words, its a fan. What gets wetter when things get steamy? Both men and women go down on me. What am I? 26. Dating back to the Middle English period, foil is an old-fashioned name for a leaf or petal, which is retained in the names of plants like the birds-foot trefoil, a type of clover, and the creeping cinquefoil, a low-growing weed of the rose family. LLC, Edited on Thu May-13-04 10:24 AM by Tom_Foolery, What?! |-- Ask the Administrators To paraphrase Krusty the Clown, comedy isnt dirty wordsits words that sound dirty, like mukluk. We have a threesome, care to join us? The lotus was apparently introduced to what is now the southern United States by native tribes who would use the plants tubers and seeds (known as "alligator corn") as a source of food. 1. The origin of its name is a mystery, but one theory claims the beetles are so characteristically aggressive that they can be made to fight one another like cockerels. Here is a list of 44 words or phrases, that my husband compiled over a few months of unemployment, and complete and utter lack of anything better to do with his time, seemingly, that sound dirty, but are completely innocent! As in punishment, but not the kind . Haboobs are typically caused by the collapse of a cold front of air, which blasts dust and sediment up from the desert floor as it falls. Even earlier than that, in 16th century English, slagger was a verb, variously used to mean "to loiter" or "creep," or "to stumble" or "walk awkwardly.". I've heard of hancock, but this one is worse. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Try choking donw on the shaft. Assart is an old medieval English legal term for an area of forested land that has been converted into arable land for growing crops. If you cannot find the answer to these riddles, then your mind is not dirty. Que: You stick your poles inside me. Beautiful counter-rucking, absolutely beautiful. . Que: You play with it at night and it vibrates. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Full Text: Thank you for still being my friend even though I only talk about my horse and I smell like a barn. I really got a kick out of this..Your hubby definitely had some idle time on his hands! 45. 2. Cockapert is an Elizabethan name for "a saucy fellow" according to the Oxford English Dictionary, but it can also be used as an adjective meaning "impudent" or "smart-alecky.". Thespian relating to drama and the theater. What am I? Although Lake Titicaca is one of my favorites, particularly because it is a conjunction of two dirty words making it especially problematic. Thanks. 9) I just had my entire butt resprayed by Scot Sherbine. kiss means . 45. 9. Hes right, of course. Definitely not what it sounds like, peniaphobia is actually the fear of poverty. Furthermore, you can also share dirty mind jokes and riddles with your close friends and make fun of them. What am I? 24. Que: I assist with e**ctions. Thanks! This will throw your friends off and fill them with guilt and shame for ever thinking the punchline was vagina. Philately the collection and study of postage stamps. 28. Im a cunning linguist. 63. |-- Topic Forums So here's my list of 30 football sayings that sounded dirty (and maybe they are or maybe they aren't!) What am I? every one of my clubs has a stiff shaft because I generate a lot of head speed. It can also be used as a verb meaning "to deforest," or preparing wooded land for farming. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Nicker-pecker is an old English dialect name for the European green woodpecker, the largest woodpecker native to Great Britain. You tie me down to get me up. The funny thing about living in a world with roughly 7,000 spoken languages is that inevitably, speakers of one language will hear a word in a completely different language and think, "Hehe, that person just said 'butt.'" Words that sound dirty to speakers of another language are often completely innocuous, even boring, terms in their native context. 3. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. These would be real good for scrable. Sounds Dirty, But Isn't. Date: Fri, 3 Apr 1998 13:54:02 -0500--- Top Ten Things That Sound Dirty At The Office But Aren't: 10. guile sounds like geil in German, which means "horny". |-- Political Videos Fuddruckers an American fast casual, franchised restaurant chain. here to send us a message. Sometimes, I drip a little. Im known as a big swinger. A pusillanimous person lacks courage. Imakeabunchoflists commented on the list words-that-sound-dirty-but-aren-t-2. One of the species, the ash-breasted tit-tyrant, is one of the worlds most endangered birds, with fewer than 1000 individuals left in a handful of remote, high-altitude sites in Peru and Bolivia. Back when I used to hit the links every now and then, I'd stand on the first tee and act like my shoulder was stiff. 23. Shasta Matova from USA on March 11, 2012: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I've included this hub in my list of favorite hubs I've read this week ending March 11. cleaner3 from Pueblo, Colorado on March 02, 2012: WOW, i am sure that everyone can find one to relate to. Que: My business is briefs. You sometimes do it with yourself if you need to, but its a lot better when its with other people. The bigger I am, the louder you scream. Ans: Tent Que: What's a four-letter word that ends in "k" and means the same as int*rcourse? 65. |-- General Discussion The adjective sexagesimal means "relating to the number 60," while anything that proceeds sexagesimally does so in sets of 60 at a time. What am I? Loved your Hub, voted up, awesome, and funny:-). Alongside others like humstrum, celestinette and wind-broach, it was originally another name for the hurdy-gurdy. "Go ahead and grip it on down to the meat of the shaft--for the shorter stroke, mixed with gripping further down the shaft . |-- The DU Lounge 69. Hilarious Quotation Mark Fails. What am I? Enough with the argy-bargy. 50. And Madonna doesnt have one. 3. Their name is apparently an imitation of their alarm call. I have to be slippery for you to go down me. You fiddle with me when youre bored. This word used to belong to butchers. Words We Stole and Made Worse. 3. The loose head's bind wasn't tight. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional shelf-sitting. 11. Keep your head down. By "spreading their legs, and so stretching the largeness of their skins," he wrote, "they have been seen to fly 30 or 40 yards." 9. In his Dictionary of the English Language (1755), Samuel Johnson described a bum-bailiff as "a bailiff of the meanest kind," and in particular, "one that is employed in arrests.". What am I? 6. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The tit-tyrants are a family of eight species of flycatcher native to the Andes Mountains and the westernmost rainforests of South America. The final ite, incidentally, is the same mineralogical suffix as in words like graphite and kryptonite. The stories that we cover specialize in a wide niche which includes News, Lifestyle, Fashion, Entertainment, Technology, and Women. You should see the looks you get from passersby when you ask that question. When and Why Common Phrases Popped Up. To grope a gull is an old Tudor English expression meaning "to take advantage of someone," or "to swindle an unsuspecting victim"and a gullgroper does just that. "The landscapers are coming over today to trim the bush." Image: Giphy 3. Why Commas Are Important. Film And TV Fans Rerank The New York Times' Most Stylish 'People' Of 2022. 29. 48. 12. Fun, right? The offload went forward and in to touch. Que: Whats white, sticky, and better to spit than to swallow? Here are 50 words that might sound rude, but really arent. Explained, Jon Hamm And Anna Osceola Are Engaged After Two Years of Dating, Prime Videos Perfect Addiction Trailer: Looks Like a Promising Tale of Vengeance, 10 Gordon Ramsay Memes And Biting Insults, Best Monday Memes That Will Keep You Laughing, A Series of Thought-Provoking Would You Rather Questions: A Challenge for Daring People, What to Write in a Christmas Card to Wife. Life-Changing Sentences from Folks on Twitter. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A fukmast, ultimately, is a ships foremast, while the fuksheet or fuksail is the sail attached to the ships fukmast. Uvula - The little hangy ball in the back of your throat, Tentacles - The appendages of an octopus or squid, Peacock - A kind of bird, known for large, colorful rear plumage, Penal Colony - A settlement of exiled peoples, Rebuttal - A statement or evidence given, to contradict a previously implied notion, Pro Bono - Free, derived from Latin, meaning for the public good, Subpoena A legal document, summoning witnesses to court, Titillated - stimulated by touch, or tickled, or excited, Diction - The use of words in speech or writing, Tittle - The dot on top of the lowercase letters i and j. Woodcock a woodland bird of the sandpiper family, with a long bill, brown camouflaged plumage, and a distinctive display flight. 5. You have to blow it to play with it. Ana Francisconi Ask Reddit has pointed out some words that sound suspiciously dirty. 47. 30. What is six inches long, sweet on the lips, and goes down better with butter? Panini a sandwich made with Italian bread, usually toasted. This list first ran in 2015 and was republished in 2019. 27. 2. Sometimes, giant balls hang from me. Are you really at all surprise at what the actual definition is? 32. Top ten phrases that I've heard or read (on AZB) that sounded dirty but aren't. 10) I use cue slik to make my shaft super slippery. Features: Size: 7x18 inches Made from solid knotty pine Beveled edges Routed slot in back for hanging, Full Text: Some of the best cowboys aren't boys Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Routed slot in back for hanging, Full Text: Because if you aren't hurt, you're not really trying. 20. There are also jokes here that may seem bad but actually, they are innocent. I also ask that you spit and not swallow. Got a message for Democratic Underground? Que: You cant taste it unless you undress it. Its definitely possible for them to be too long. Spermophile A terrestrial burrowing rodent; ground squirrel. +44 800 772 3652 | benefits of throwing exercise. 18. Words That Sound Dirty but Arent. 40. Here are nine examples of English words and phrases that sound wrong, but simply aren't. Literally. (hey, sometimes it just means a Hispanic person who requires a shower!). Jaymye Allen from Sherman, Texas on August 15, 2011: A word to the wise: when the Hub amuses you so much you must share by reading out loud, MAKE SURE YOU ENUNCIATE PROPERLY! 5. That piece is called a "bang tail"! What is soft and wet on the inside while hard and hairy on the outside? Why Do Developers Choose and Love Woocommerce? These are the quandaries that make you ask yourself questions like, Who am I? Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be? You should have paid attention in school. Aholehole is pronounced ah-holy-holy, and is the name of a species of Hawaiian flagtail fish native to the central Pacific. 4. Thumbs up and funny, funny, funny. What am I? What does a man have in his trousers that a lady doesnt want on her face? A sexfoil is ultimately a six-leaved plant or flower, or a similarly shaped architectural design or ornament incorporating six leaves or lobes. Poonga oil is obtained from the seeds of the Indian beech tree, Pongamia pinnata, and is widely used across southern India as everything from a skin treatment to a replacement for diesel in engines and generators. Cumin the aromatic seeds of a plant of the parsley family. What holds your buns firmly and makes them look round and pretty? Que: All day long its in and out. What are they? Whats the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? I get wet before you do. (Bach was good at them. 21. When I go in, I can cause some pain. 1. You need to adjust your grip. in no particular order: "He trusts his own skills so much, sometimes he tries to squeeze it into too tight a spot" "Just shove it right in that seam" "It's all about the penetration" "That's the second time he's gone all the way tonight" 57. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Flat edges for shelf-sitting Full Text: And yet another day has passed and I did not use algebra once. Whats in a mans pants that you just wont find in a girls pants? 12. 26. Like a car accident you slowly drive by on the freeway or a slasher film you can't pull your eyes away from - this list will have you squeamish, abhorred and simply grossed out! Spelled with one t, a sackbut is an early Renaissance brass instrument similar to a trombone. Some words really do sound like they mean something quite different from their otherwise entirely innocent definition (a mukluk is an Inuit sealskin boot, in case you were wondering), and no matter how clean-minded you might be, its hard not to raise an eyebrow or a wry smile whenever someone says something like cockchafer or sexangle. You can try to find the answer to these riddles and laugh out loud. Nodgecock, like lobcock, is another Tudor word for a fool or simpleton. English Words That Are Offensive In Other Languages. 46. Phrases that sound "dirty" but aren't. Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share (MPSIMS) WordMan October 22, 2013, 12:13pm #1 I first heard about this from a well-known David Letterman Top 10 list. This list is full of forbidden words and phrases throughout history that can allegedly cause harm if they're spoken out loud (or, in some cases, even if they're written down). It takes its name from the village of Aktash in eastern Russia, where it was first discovered in 1968. It literally means "speed-play" in Swedish. My father-in-law was a dealer for a line of farm equipement in the 70's and he had an Erection Manual that told him how to assemble the machinery out of the crate. Penal. What is it? board, visitors agree to abide by the rules outlined on our Rules |-- Latest Breaking News To bumfiddle means to pollute or spoil something, in particular by scribbling or drawing on a document to make it invalid. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. 43. Ehud Riven. The inside centre keeps collapsing the maul. Full Text: The Most Important Things In Life Aren't Things Features: Size: 7x36 inches Made from solid knotty pine Beveled edges Routed slot in back for hanging. What am I? 42. Things that sound dirty at Christmas. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); We do our best to represent colors accurately, but viewing screens vary from one to another, and from real life. This article was originally published on April 16, 2020, 150+ Family Instagram Captions To Capture Special Moments With Your Crew, An American Mom Shares The Utter Magic Of Danish Playgrounds. One time talking about my [old] putter grip I said "I feel like I just have two hands on the bare shaft". "Tony and I shagged all night," and it isn't even the slightest bit obscene. It's closer to the parking lot! 70. The hooker is really dominating. In this context nicker is probably a derivative of nick, meaning a small cut or scratch. Coccyx - Technical name for the tailbone Angina - Chest pain caused by poor blood circulation Rectory - The home of a priest List of 9 Best iPhone Cleaner Apps For You. 9. As in punishment, but not the kind . http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=105x1133084. What am I? A bumfiddler is someone who does precisely that. How do you make five pounds of fat look good? What is it? 43. So stump all your pals and see who has the absolute dirtiest mind with our roundup of the best riddles full of filth from the darkest corner of the internet. Sometimes when we see or hear some things we may instantly get a dirty joke. Donald Trumps is small. Expressions that Sound Dirty but Aren't; Least-Known Norman Rockwell Paintings; Bigfoot's Top Ten Pet Peeves; Top Ten Soldier Pet Peeves; Top Ten Elf Complaints; Top Ten Things Overheard at the Moscow McDonald's; Top Ten X-Mas Movies at Times Square; Top Ten Reasons Lois Lane is Dumping Superman The best dirty riddles are the ones that aren't really dirty but designed to make you feel like a total deviant for even thinking the punchline was sexual (when it was really something like plate). Kudos to the "mister." The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. What am I? 60. 41. Words That Sound Dirty but Arent. |-- DU Groups I lived in WI for a year and a half and never met anyone this smart. Rump. Aholehole If you read that as "a-hole," then think again. You must log in or register to reply here. What am I? What does a man have that begins with P and gets bigger if its properly stimulated? Whats the best part of your body to put into a pie? In any case, its derived from coque, the French word for a seashell. Features: Size: 9x12 inches Made from solid knotty Full Text: Keep Calm and Go For A Run Features: Size: 9x12 inches Made from solid knotty pine Beveled edges Routed slot in back for hanging, Full Text: Beware Of Owner ~ The Dog Features: Size: 7x7 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional shelf-sitting. A nestle-cock is the last bird to hatch from a clutch of eggs. How about mufti? Why is a mans voice louder than a womans? Or, Who have I become? 24. gesh. Que: What three-letter word starts with an s, ends with x, and has a vowel in the middle? 2. Dongle a small device able to be connected to and used with a computer, especially to allow access to wireless broadband or use of protected software. The cat crawls out at night to smoke them and we are trying to get him to quit. What does a woman have two of that a cow has four of? Whats a four-letter word that ends in k and means the same as intercourse? You sound hilarious and unafraid. Que: What does a dog do that a man steps into? Petcock the drain valve on a radiator. It was once also called hitty-titty, as was, incidentally, hide and go seek. But if you can easily find the answers then you have a dirty mind. 17. Im known as a big swinger. Ans: Talk Que: I come in a lot of different sizes. What am I? Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional Full Text: My windows aren't dirty, that's just my dog's nose art! Shuttlecock struck with rackets in the games of badminton and battledore. Spermophile - A terrestrial burrowing rodent; ground squirrel. What To Do If iPhone Keeps Restarting Itself? Uvula a fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat. 38. |-- Places When I come, its news. Whats made of rubber, handed out at some schools, and exists to prevent mistakes? Dirty Golf Sayings | top ten golf phrases that sound dirty or, Help, I'm lost! Very funny!! Diphthong a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another. 40. Call Us Today! I discharge loads from my shaft. What am I? If I miss, I hit your bush. Top Ten Golf Phrases That Sound Dirty But Aren't All Spiritual Signs & Inspirational Signs, TV Stands, Media Tables, & Media Furniture, The Most Important Things In Life Aren't Things. 58. Vote up the raunchy sounding words that make you chuckle the most. While exploring the coast of Virginia in 1606, Captain John Smith (of Pocahontas fame) wrote in his journal of a creature known to local tribes as the assapanick. Here are six math terms that sound dirty but aren't (see list below). The best dirty riddles are the ones that arent really dirty but designed to make you feel like a total deviant for even thinking the punchline was sexual (when it was really something like plate). 8 mo. phrases that sound dirty but aren't. by | Jun 3, 2022 | alio employee portal kcps | spring awakening 2022 | Jun 3, 2022 | alio employee portal kcps | spring awakening 2022 71. You cant taste it unless you undress it. Your email address will not be published. When it comes to deceptively dirty quotes, Disney is the reigning champion. 32. This one is my #1 simply because it is the actual name of a person. As well as being an old nickname for a walking stick or truncheon, knobstick is an old 19th-century slang word for a workman who breaks a strike, or for a person hired to take the place of a striking employee. Use this one in a sentence, it's neither a tit nor a mouse. Something really big and hard ripped me open. 25. What does a dog do that a man steps into? My tip penetrates. Well, now theres a new genre to enjoy: dirty riddles with completely innocent answers. What am I? 68. What is it? Fach is a difficult word to forget. It bends a little to the left. Its never what you expect it to be and forces you to reevaluate the way you think (which is filthy, BTW). . 7. Men actually have a chance of finding a quarter when they search for it. I also ask that you spit, and not sw*llow. As well as being the name of a former shipping port in northern Tasmania, boobyalla is also an Aborigine name for the wattlebird, one of a family of honeyeaters native to much of Australia. What am I? Great "piece." What gets longer if pulled, fits snugly between breasts, slides neatly into a hole, chokes people when used incorrectly, and works well when jerked? Que: Im great for protection. Forbidden Words to Never Say. But now it makes us picture a human posterior in all of its glory as opposed to a cut of animal meat. 23. You use your fingers to get me off. Im long, hard, and I point up. It's good to know my husband's boredom has not gone to waste! Whats beautiful and natural, but gets prickly if it isnt trimmed regularly? Know About Warzone 2 & Modern Warfare 2 Season Three: Season Two End Date! What is the difference between a womans G-spot and a quarter? Fun and very interesting lists about slang, vocabulary, language, spelling, and even punctuation. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. How about a new board game? 35. Mukluk a soft boot worn by Eskimos. Grossest Words to Hear Out Loud. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. You stick your poles inside me. Are there more "coming.". August 10, 2012 12:00 pm. Outdated Phrases Still in Use Today. David Sproull from Toronto on August 16, 2011: Ha Ha! 8. The anal part makes is as dirty as can be! What am I? 2. Sometimes people lick my nuts. Sometimes, I drip a little. What is super hard and goes into a tiny hole? Some people prefer being on top, others prefer being on the bottom, and it always involves a bed. 37. ago. What four-letter word begins with f and ends with k, and if you cant get it you can always just use your hands? Succotash an American dish of corn and lima beans cooked together. Go figure you'd be the one who knew that term. Here's a Top 10 list of phrases you might here on AZ that sound dirty but aren't.. (and yes, I'm a little bored) 10) Bump your thread 9) This is my wife's Titlist 8) First $100 in my PP gets it 7) I like a thick butt 6) Yes, I've seen your. Sometimes, I drip a little. Billcock, brook-ouzel, oar-cock, velvet runner, grey-skit, and skiddy-cock are all old English dialect names for the water rail, a small and notoriously elusive wading bird found in the wetlands of Europe, Asia, and north Africa. 29. 14. 1. Que: What gets longer if pulled, fits snugly between br*asts, slides neatly into a hole, chokes people when used incorrectly, and works well when jerked? What do you insert in a small hole and twist all the way around? I'm pretty good with my short putts. Matriculate be enrolled at a college or university. "au jus" is a method of serving a sandwich. My students never have a problem remembering the word for a subject in German. Beautiful and natural, but really arent it takes its name from the Latin word for a in... Which is filthy, BTW ) jus '' is a registered trademark of the name is difference. Threesome, care to join us what does a man steps into alarm call play with it at night it... 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