reflection about the self from various philosophical perspective{{ keyword }}

My Reflections into the Philosophical Perspective of the Self This embodies my understanding of the philosophy of the self, as well as my own concept of what the self is. There are three part soul which are the following: Reason, physical appetite, and spirit or passion. And for Socrates, the Good Life simply means being wise and virtuous. He further notes that in explaining "self," there is a stream of consciousness, which lacks the owner. The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from phenomenology and psychoanalysis to metaphysics and . A soul cant live in this world without a body for it is considered as a unity of body and self. Answer (1 of 5): Hello Recca, The philosophic perspective of yourself is mostly an intellectual understanding of yourself, which is useful. In, the students are requested to ask their friends (at least 3) who they are to them. When we hear the word Love we always think that is relationship but if we will see in our environment, all the people that we belong with even the people that we hate much is what you call Love. Philosophy of self. Currently, Ife is in the middle of writing her own story and creating her own path. Introspection is closely related to human self-reflection and self-discovery and is contrasted with external observation. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something. Thus, it became a good topic of interest in the field of philosophy. Besides viewing self as an illusion, other philosophers approach the concept by considering self as an activity. This can be done both epistemologically and metaphysically. A self is just a person, a living, breathing, thinking human being. And after so many years, their are so many people that express to us how love it is? We use the particle 'self' to form reflexive pronouns, like "myself" and "yourself", and these pronouns, refer to persons. This, therefore, implies that when an individual does not live to the standards of his authentic self, he adopts a fictional self that has emptiness and incompleteness (McGraw 1). , students are going to answer the question, Who am I? By compiling ideas from an array of thinkers, this philosophy of self essay intends to explore the implications of defining I in a given manner and how such a stance would affect our self-reflection and perceptions of ourselves or how we treat ourselves. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with, My Reflections on the Sociological Perspective of the Self. Calasanz spread to us the table of an unsophisticated and different tenet of the classical and the modern philosophers. This approach makes it possible to be certain that we possessed a soul, which augments our thinking, nourishment, movement and sensibility. Many different ideas on what constitutes self have been proposed, including the self being an activity, the self being independent of the senses, the bundle theory of the self, the self as a narrative center of gravity, and the self as a syntactic . For studying more? (2022, June 17). It would be impossible for a person to say he/she exits or even thinks of existence without being in a real state. 2022. However even among all the educated exist disputing and arguments over some matters; when such matters arise the least learned and the uneducated are left wondering what sort of things the few educated are talking about; the less knowledgeable retrieve and withdraw slowly paving way for the most interested in the argument. AUGUSTINE: THE SELF HAS AN IMMORTAL SOUL. On the contrary, a rationalist is one who believes that the source of knowledge is reason, not experience/impression. Irish Fe Bolaos, or Ife, is a seventeen-year-old first year student of BS Chemical Engineering in Adamson University, Philippines. As we can see, this is the ultimate goal of Socrates's philosophy. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. The match box there will never spark without that match stick. How can one identify a wax? New York, NY: Springer, 2008. But how we die, is at least somewhat, up to us. Both the learned and the unlearned still struggle to understand what philosophers talk about and want to find if it could be given a definition. McGraw, Phillip. To install StudyMoose App tap Self is best understood as a collection of behavior that leads to a person to behave in accordance with different circumstances. REFLECTIONS Published by Abby Santos View all posts by Abby Santos Well, we cannot totally define who is he if he will not talk or engage with us for our imagination is moving that defines the personal identity of a certain person. It, therefore, emerges that we can only have schools of thoughts according to these people; everyone has his/her own conclusion about life, and those who can agree with that way of thinking would be called his students or adherents. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Abstract. So therefore, we should use our decisions wisely and this will definitely lead us to self-actualization. But when the philosophers spoke about they are so incredible. Discuss the different representations and conceptualizations of the self from various disciplinal perspectives. I. Socrates, Plato, Augustine In the recent time, the philosophy and teachings of Socrates is being discussed and even debated by even the most distant philosophers. Analysis and consideration of all views, the careful contemplation of oneself and the environment around them, and the intellectual freedom and open-mindedness that such a practice lends to the societies it is promoted within. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. )Socrates and plato - he said that everyman is composed of body and soul. He, having investigated the opinions and the behaviours of the renowned philosophers, is rather unready to give a description of what philosophy is about; he is of the opinion that it is dependent on the person. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2004. I believe that philosophy is, if to put in simpler terms, is an art in which everyone contributes his/her own wildest imaginations or perceptions of a thing or an idea and imagines how certain things work or explains phenomena, and all the adherents of the ideas will have to live according to the inventor opinion. Lesson 1 summary The self from Various Philosophical Perspectives 1. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by,, Descartes' Cogito Argument and Hume's Critique of the Self, Meditation Two: Concerning the Nature of the Human Mind, R.Descartes' and T.Aquinas' Views on God Existence, Descartes and the Skeptics: An Incomplete Case, Descartes and Humes Ideologies in Contemporary Psychology, Descartes' and Buddhist Ideas of Self-Existence, Descartes' Philosophical Theory of Knowledge, Philosophy: Herbert Marcuse's One-Dimensional Man, A Miracle as an Extraordinary Happening Occurring in the Physical World. For example, I myself is the one whos discovering the world for I am the driver of my life. Slavery did exist and the women were not considered true citizens, but when compared to other, much more tribal cultures at the time, the Greek people experienced a freedom unheard of in any other part of the world. Approaching matters in a philosophical fashion is great for people as individuals, but it is also extremely important in societies as a whole. Starting Academic Year Overview of the Lessons: This chapter presents the different ethical theories as propounded by great thinkers in the history of philosophy. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. I answered her that being an entrepreneur you have to be a risk taker and I myself know that I am a risk taker because i believe its better to try than to lose the chance I have. From there I describe myself for what I know who I am that others may/can see. This implies that thinking is essential for a person to exist regardless of whether he has other qualities like body and soul among others. He believed that philosophy was a mega entity that encompassed all aspects of knowledge expressed through it. This workbook online is very convenient for students taking synchronous (online) classes. Due to the fact that wax can be identified even when its shape is infinitely changed, it suffices to mention that this cannot be possible via imagination but through the intellect alone and proper mental scrutiny. Personal identity (or the self) is founded on consciousness. This is to say that an authentic self demonstrates core human qualities. The mediation is further divided into an argument of three steps, which are: whatever thinks exists, I think therefore and I exist (Frankfurt 188). For example, we are just human that commit mistakes. The I self is also called the Thinking self. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In his description of this analogy, Sorabji asserts that his definition of self fits other members like animals as an embodied owner of the body. From their perspectives, they look at philosophers as people who are trying to construct harmony and system; their points are curiously and nicely fashioned, relying upon materials that such a philosopher owns due to his/her intrinsic experience and also upon his/her personal observations in life around and beyond him/her; thus, other opinions are also based on the experiences of others. name of science, which often rely on controversial If rights are tied to the notion of personhood, then it seems appropriate to say that fetuses do not have any legal rights. I carefully and critically examine a pre-existing belief before incorporating it as my belief system. The present volume addresses the Self under different and influent philosophical perspectives: from phenomenology and psychoanalysis to metaphysics and neurophilosophy and discusses several and distinct problems such as personal identity, the core/narrative self-distinction, psychopathologies, the mind-body problem and the nature of the . You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. (LogOut/ When heated, the wax changes some properties but can be identified despite the deviation from the initial form. CARL RODGERS:SELF THEORY: REAL & IDEAL SELF We cannot know any one thing or pass off one of our perceptions as absolute truth. In the words of Socrates, the Great Greek philosopher, The unexamined life is not worth living. A soul can't live in this world without a body for it is considered as a unity of body and self. He shared with Descartes a scientist's perspective, seeking to develop knowledge based on clear thinking, rigorous analysis, and real-world observation and experimentation. Regardless of these initial doubts, many people sink into a ditch of doubts and hang on the fact that one has the ability to think. All claim that their deity is superior and all-powerful; all the gods, according to major religions, have some sort of an evil opposing power, which must be fought and eliminated. In this coverage, Descartes criticizes most of Aristotles arguments and designs questions that have remained debatable in the world of philosophy today. Self-reflection is a skill; the ability to be aware of yourself. I can say with confidence that I believe philosophy is an integral part of human life and should be promoted on an international scale in order for countries to work together to logically solve global problems. Don't use plagiarized sources. For me to be able to reach my goals in life. See full entry Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. For instance, before I have low confidence. 35. Philosophy is to believe that things are explained the way you have thought they can be and it attempts to make everyone obedient to such so called truth; however, this will only happen for as long as there is no other proof of things being done differently. "Philosophers believe that self has different perspectives on how we achieve it. These meditations are considered as the origin of modern western philosophy. Kwak maintains that what is required for this form of membership to society or community is our future citizens' ability to engage in highly self-reflexive philosophical reflection on the human condition; such reflection gives them the skills necessary to live up to the tension between different selves of diverse origins or within a divided self. All these things make up a part of me and that is just the most obvious of traits, behaviors and thoughts. Self-Concept is actually not a reality but a mental conception of self. That much is certain. Nevertheless, it can generally be viewed that I is a necessary and true preposition when suggested by somebody or conceived in ones own mind (Descartes 72). If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Indian thought has been concerned with various . For example, my teacher in senior high school in entrepreneur asked me why I can be an entrepreneur? But as I grew older and high school life is my turning point where my confidence boosts up as I become the president of the club, team captain of the badminton team and create my own organization in my previous school. PHIL 280: Being Human. There are two approaches in defining self at this point. Web. For example, as we are living in this world, we should take good care of our body not just physically as well as mentally for it is the house of our soul and when the right time comes, we wont regret anything for it has been useful. Print. His research revolves around the search for certainty and ignores every idea that carries any slightest doubt. Man is a thinking man that has an entity to doubt, understand, analyze, question, and the most important thing is to reason out that can exist independently in the physical body. These influences can take on many different forms such as: media, parents, teachers, etc. Through this tolerance the society can then obtain a higher sense of fraternity and respect for one another. It is my belief that if we were to attempt to answer by ourselves the difficult questions life poses, then our lives would be very dull and difficult to properly question. This dream of mine may help also my family in terms of financial. However, it appears that a persons chief problem is inborn and it lies in what he/she is rather than what he/she does; persons deeds could not change him/her for better. Aristotle views the soul as the "form" of the human body. I am is also described by the use of unique features, which make human beings different from other creations (Sorabji 14). It is a particular kind of awareness that is applied to yourself on many levels: Physical Mental Emotional Spiritual When we engage in self-reflection, we're developing what is known as an inner witness. Answer (1 of 31): My own philosophy about the self is that we all see ourselves as a certain color, (who we think we are) but in reality we are but a blank canvas crafted by the events in our lives from the day we slipped into consciousness to become the art of which is our individual personality. Cause and Effect 1. For example, your parents are working hard just to send you to school, so you better do your part as a child and as a students and think wisely that its for your own good when the right time comes. The philosophy of self is the study of the many conditions of identity that make one subject of experience distinct from other experiences. REMEMBER: EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD MAY CHANGE EVEN YOU. (2022) 'Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay'. Smith, Kurt, Descartes Life and Works. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2012. Question Your Life: Naikan Self-Reflection and the Transformation of Our Stories - Gregg Krech. Tomas de Aquino. The Me self on the other hand reflects on the personal experiences. Reflection and insights on "The Self from Various Philosophical Perspective" Understanding the ideas lying on the nature of the self is quite an interesting to do a lot of challenge goes with being able to learn about what the sett really is. The philosophy of self is the study of wisdom as self at a conceptual level. This is because imagination can trigger all forms of things that may not necessarily be real. The problem of the self currently remains unsolved. A Personal Reflection on "The Self" | by Melina Gomez | Medium Sign up 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. For example, you can easily tell whether that certain person is talkative, intelligent, and so on for what their behavior speaks towards other people. In gaining this understanding, these people are important in explaining how the knowledge of this concept affects the world and how people perceive themselves and their ultimate relationships with others. As mentioned before, the concept of self has been defined and described by various authors throughout history. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with From birth our minds are plagued by outside influences that shape our mind regardless of how much we try to avoid it. The Philosophy of Perspective. Sorabji, Richard. For instance, self can be viewed as an illusion (Sorabji 17). - a particular theory that someone has about how to live or how to deal with a particular . Here are 12 short stories that explain the importance of becoming aware of our true self. In this coverage, Descartes criticizes most of Aristotles arguments and designs that! Ignores every idea that carries any slightest doubt augments our thinking, nourishment, movement and sensibility BS! I carefully and critically examine a pre-existing belief before incorporating it as belief... 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Carolina Shih Tzu, Indeed Harris Teeter, Articles R