Now in a three-week period you receive the following collections: That is a possible 11 collections every three weeks. If your bags have been left behind, check our missed collection page for advice and how to report it to us. Blue bags, for dry recycling, will now be collected every week, alongside the green bin for your food waste. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. Make sure they are not too heavy - if you have ash waste, please read that section below. The council will collect your black bags, for your remaining household waste that cannot be recycled, every three weeks. THANK YOU for continuing to do the right thing and for doing your bit for the environment, by sorting your waste and recycling what you can. Enter your postcode and choose your address to find out when your next recycling / rubbish collection is and what colour bag it is. If you are a family of 6 or over and are recycling everything you can, but still exceed the black bag limit; you can apply for exemption stickers. Applications take up to 8 weeks to be processed. CAC/PL/27-30. Alternatively you can order one online. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, Ammanford A-Z Convenience Store (Premier), Integrated Sustainability Appraisal (ISA) incorporating the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). 2 x garden waste (if subscribed), 3 x hygiene/nappy (if required). Please note this will be during office hours, Monday Friday 08:30 18:00. gSLM>fYF&(QP7Jb8rbUGnEQbg)W;?c\Z,yPrPj?Cbx#}rR*{Z=,|v)#Z#(%!ya|j!B>l*Q?fNfG5u5GE5h+=Y?fx]B?Bk9^Oy~_>C}TKR?>Pn~dpC>L7}G>g/lglV)}Ey.}v1s.u=ShG=c ?x#]X#qw!;7|j.5~`;]'`;|c1*}}Y1Q9aXG>L)}}O;Yzd~G>BR_g-=gA$ir!+o)n5-pM}.U`/;m3t?s}0? Civil Partnership / Dissolution certificate. We do not give extra allowances for this type of waste in black bags. Applications take up to 8 weeks to be processed. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Please wrap securely or place in a card box before putting in your black bag. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. Please refer to our missed collection webpage for more advice and how to report it.
We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan (LDP) has been published for consultation along with the following documents: The consultation will take place between 17th February and 14th April 2023. Hwb advisers will be available every day, along with housing officers and employability advisers, to provide tailored packages of support to residents. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. The changes were making are major and need plenty of time to plan and carry out. Blue bags, for dry recycling, will now be collected every week, alongside the green bin for food waste. Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services, Cllr. I have a question not covered above and need further advice. If you are a blue badge holder, you will still need to purchase a pay and display ticket. The Blue Badge (Disabled Parking) Scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for those people who have a permanent or substantial disability to allow them to park close to their destination, when travelling independently as either a driver or passenger. Glass bottles and jars go in your black box, or your glass wheeled bin if you have a communal compound for your waste. Find answers to questions about your recycling, garden waste collections, recycling centre permits and more You can now sign up to receive either email or text message reminders for your recycling and black bag collections. Previous Clinical waste e.g., swabs, dressings, or sharps, cannot be placed into black bags and must be collected by Hywel Dda University Health Board. The changes to blue bags will not be introduced until 2024. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. These changes come into effect the week beginning Monday 23 January 2023. The Blue Badge allows the vehicle in which the badge holder travels to park in designated areas. Receive a guaranteed payment under tariffs 1-8 of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and have been certified as having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. Carmarthenshire County Council has announced that it will be delivering food waste caddy liners to all households across the county to make it easier for residents to recycle their food waste. Significant changes to recycling and black bag collections in Carmarthenshire have come into effect this week. More information available above within the How do I apply for a Blue Badge tab. These changes come into effect the week beginning Monday 23 January 2023. Alternatively you can order one online. If you run out before your delivery, check our outlets for whats available and where to collect. These can be emailed to or posted to the Blue Badge Team at the above address following completion of the application form. Tell us about your experience of using our website. Not only will it divert this type of waste from landfill, but it will also help to increase the council's recycling rates. Outside normal office hours Delta Wellbeing provides an emergency service on 0300 333 2222. For further information about these changes, or to sign up to receive email or text message reminders for your collection days, please visit Carmarthenshire County Council website or call us on 01267 234567 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 6pm). If you have a Blue Badge, it must only be used when you are the driver of a vehicle or a passenger in it and the journey is for your benefit. Carmarthenshire County Council is now increasing recycling collections across the county. we provide a bulky waste collection and will collect up to three items for 25. We are pleased to inform you that the 2nd Deposit Revised Local Development Plan (LDP) has been published for consultation along with the following documents: The consultation will take place between 17th February and 14th April 2023. The council already provides the purple bags for the collection of hygiene waste, and this service will be extended to include children's nappies. Black bags would remain on a three-weekly collection (up to three per household). Or you can hand them in to one of the Hwb Customer Service Centres. Please use the liners provided, bin replacements are available if yours gets lost or damaged. By collecting your blue bags more often, alongside the weekly food waste bin and by collecting even more items that can be recycled, such as glass, hygiene and nappy waste, youll have less non-recyclable waste to put out to be collected. You will get an additional 1 hour free parking when displaying a valid blue badge. If you have a suggestion on how we can improve the website, please let us know. If you have a suggestion on how we can improve the website, please let us know. You may put out up to 3 black bags every 3 weeks. This section provides further information about the changes were making to the services we provide to you. Please note this will be during office hours, Monday Friday 08:30 18:00. We will continue to update this section based on your feedback and questions. We will source the most user-friendly methods for both crew and residents. It is important to note that glass recycling and black bags will be collected by separate vehicles and may be at different times during the collection day. This phone number is for emergencies and is available after 6pm and up until 8:30am on weekdays, and on Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays. Enter your postcode and choose your address to find out when your next recycling / rubbish collection is and what colour bag it is. Tick this box to show your hygiene / nappy waste collection day / calendar. Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, please contact us, the Council, via our website, Changes to waste and recycling collections from today. This team effort between you and us to sort and collect your household items for recycling will improve the quality of the materials we collect for recycling, which is better for the environment and will help us to recycle more in the UK. There are also tips on how to reduce your waste further. Crews are delivering to all households in Carmarthenshire and are due to complete deliveries by the end of February. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. Blue Badge scheme Brown caddy / green food bin The quickest way to pick up a new bin is to visit one of our customers service hubs. Eto is a project that looks to re-use, repair and re-purpose unwanted items. Once your lost, stolen or damaged badge has been reported you will need to request a replacement Blue Badge. Garden waste cannot go in your black bags, although natural if landfilled it causes problems for the environment. If you already have a Blue Badge and it's nearly expired, or if you want to check if you're eligible you can apply or re-apply online on GOV.UK. Please dont report any missed collections until after 2pm and check our website for information about any disruptions to our collection services. If a badge has been damaged to an extent it cannot be read by people who will be checking the badge when used for parking or other concessions, you will need to return the damaged Blue Badge to any of the Hwb Customer Service Centres or post to: The Blue Badge Team, Department for Communities, Carmarthenshire County Council, 3 Spilman Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1LE. You will need to supply a recent passport style photograph. Prices can be found under each car park. You can request a replacement badge online at Night Porter Carmarthenshire County Council 3.9 Pendine A Welsh local authority is to impose a restriction on the number of bags of residual waste that residents can present for collection, in a bid to meet Welsh Government recycling targets. If you are elderly, infirm, or disabled and need assistance with your rubbish, call us on 01267 234567 to see if we can collect from your doorstep or other location. The Blue Badge is not a licence to park anywhere. Community Integrated Support Worker/Home Care Worker. Your feedback is really important to us. Tell us about your experience of using our website. Do not put clinical waste in black bags, please read the section below. Separate weekly collections of glass, paper, cardboard, cans and plastic, textiles and batteries and small household appliances.Black bags would remain on a three-weekly collection (up to three per household).Food waste will continue to be collected weekly.Paid for garden waste collections and fortnightly nappy & hygiene collections on request. For further help, support and information visit our Cost of Living Advice page. . Our A-Z of recycling offers advice on how to reduce your waste as well as what to recycle and where. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. The blue bags accept co-mingled dry recycling including paper, cartons, cardboard, cans, plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays, foil and aerosols. If you require a collection of this type of waste from your home, please use the link below or call 01269 845554. For those households receiving the new service your collection day will be on the same day as your black bag collections. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. Visitors to the Hwbs can also access information on the services available to support them as the cost of living increases. Please note this will be during office hours, Monday Friday 08:30 18:00. You can apply whether you own your home, pay rent, are unemployed or working. 8050. Enter your postcode and choose your address to find out when your next recycling / rubbish collection is and what colour bag it is. This will commence a comprehensive education and enforcement process to assist residents to contribute fully to the recycling scheme. Carmarthenshire County Council is also introducing a new collection service for glass bottles and jars, which will be collected every 3 weeks. Black bags would remain on a three-weekly collection (up to three per household). Outside normal office hours Delta Wellbeing provides an emergency service on 0300 333 2222. Tell us about your experience of using our website. There are ways of storing all containers and more detail on hints and tips will be provided when the container types are decided upon. Food Waste This phone number is for emergencies and is available after 6pm and up until 8:30am on weekdays, and on Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays. You may download Welsh Governments Beyond Recycling waste strategy on its website. How do I apply for an organisational Badge? Blue bags - Recycling We deliver three rolls of blue bags to every household annually. Blue bags, for dry recycling, will now be collected every week, alongside the green bin for your food Future changes to recycling and bin collections. An election to the Carmarthenshire County Council was held on 9 April 1970. We have answered all the questions you have asked us about your blue bags. We deliver three rolls of blue bags to every household annually.
If you have not yet received your information pack or recycling containers, please contact us, the Council, via our website. The quickest way to pick up a new bin is to visit one of our customers service hubs. Your feedback is really important to us. You will also be able to download your collection calendar.
Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. Keep all your recyclables dry and clean. 6 0 obj
Paid for garden waste collections and fortnightly nappy & hygiene collections on request. Carmarthenshire County Council ( Welsh: Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin) is the local authority for the county of Carmarthenshire, Wales. There are home compostable cat litter options which could reduce the amount you need to put in your black bags. These are examples of the type of person that would be suitable: If you intend to hand your application in at one of the authoritys Hwb Customer Service Centres then you can present original documents to them and they will copy and certify the documents. Collected weekly with blue bags from all households, for all raw and cooked food. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. From today, January 23, Carmarthenshire County Council is increasing recycling collections across the County. Day shift + 1. The Blue Badge (Disabled Parking) Scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for those people who have a permanent or substantial disability to allow them to park close to their destination, when travelling independently as either a driver or passenger. Tell us about your experience of using our website. Glass collections will start on 23 January 2023.
Tick this box to show your hygiene / nappy waste collection day / calendar. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. If your still not sure, then contact us and a recycling advisor will help you. Cabinet Member for Transport, Waste and Infrastructure Services, Cllr. The quickest way to pick up a new food bin is to visit one of our Customers Service Hwbs. For more information on this service visit our hygiene/nappy waste page. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. Before you begin. If you would like to buy a home but are struggling to find something you can afford, we may be able to help. Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments, I dont know what to recycle so it all goes in the black bag, I have ashes, so I have to fill more than 3 black bags or I cant carry them, I have nappy waste so Im going over the 3 black bag limit, I have a large family, even though we recycle we still have more than 3 bags. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. They will not be collected for health and safety reasons. By asking households to separate their items into different containers, as most other authorities do, contamination will be significantly reduced. For further help, support and information visit our Cost of Living Advice page. Tell us about your experience of using our website. If you have nappy waste, please apply for that service first as you may find you can then stick within the 3-bag limit.
Visitors to the Hwbs can also access information on the services available to support them as the cost of living increases. manner) the blue bags. In 2024 there will be bags or boxes or a mixture of both, to put your recycling into. We will collect from ordinary dustbins, as long as the waste is bagged. Outside normal office hours Delta Wellbeing provides an emergency service on 0300 333 2222. Your feedback is really important to us. We will collect your black bags, for your remaining household waste that cannot be recycled, every 3 weeks. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. If your record does not exist on these systems please contact the Blue Badge Team for guidance and they will advise you on what evidence they will accept under these circumstances. We are committed to ensuring that vulnerable adults are protected from abuse and neglect and we will take immediate action where necessary, to keep them safe from harm. The applicants driving licence should be coded as either of the following: You will need to provide proof of eligibility and certified proof of identity. Carmarthen. The Blue Badge Scheme Rights & Responsibilities in Wales leaflet explains your responsibilities as a Blue Badge holder and explains where you can park. If you need to get rid of large items such as beds, carpets, fridges, freezers and wardrobes etc. Where can I find details on Welsh Governments current waste strategy. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. Please put your blue/black bags out for collection at the kerbside. Apply for Council Tax reduction
Please email us at or use the link below. Information on food waste. See our black bag page for more advice. All recycling bags with the wrong items in will be marked with a sticker and left behind for you to resort. If you are putting pet faeces in your black bag, please make sure it is double wrapped and mixed with other waste. i?y?%Y?rzal,4ag. Tick this box to show your garden waste collection day / calendar. Click here to read FAQs on the changes to our recycling and waste collections. Check your collection day/week on the page below and put your bags out the night before your collection, or before 6am on collection day. If youve provided us with your email address, we will be in touch as soon as possible with an update. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. Please be extra careful with any broken items as they can injure our crew.
RADAR keys - public toilets for people with disabilities, Blue Badge Your Rights and Responsibilities. Thank you for taking the time to get in touch with us. You can put out up to 3 black bags per collection. In 2024, we will introduce: Separate weekly collections of glass, paper, cardboard, cans and plastic, textiles and batteries and small household appliances. Carmarthenshire County Council is making changes to its recycling and black bag collections, making it easier for you, our residents, to recycle more from home. Do I need to tell you if I change my car? Hwb advisers will be available every day, along with housing officers and employability advisers, to provide tailored packages of support to residents. Your feedback is really important to us. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. Visitors to the Hwbs can also access information on the services available to support them as the cost of living increases. Tell us about your experience of using our website. Food waste is collected weekly. Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships, Supplier Information - Ordering and Payments. If your Blue Badge has expired or is no longer required, you should return the badge to: The Blue Badge TeamDepartment for Communities Carmarthenshire County Council3 Spilman StreetCarmarthenSA31 1LE. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. In order to process the application you will need: You can apply for an organisational badge by: If your application has been refused and you feel that your condition changes or not all the relevant facts were taken into consideration, then you may appeal against the decision and we will reconsider your case. Do not put your bags in wheelie bins. By making these changes, we are also able to increase the range of materials we collect and could introduce the collection of textiles, small electricals and batteries. You could be referred for an assessment to determine if you are eligible for a temporary Blue Badge. I like the blue bag - why do you want to change it. Photocopies that are submitted without signatures cannot be accepted and this will delay your application. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. When completing any e-forms in the future, simply log in and your personal details will already be completed for you.. Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. request a replacement badge online at Last year the council recycled 66 per cent of its waste. Any excess disposable pet bedding or cat litter can be taken to a recycling centre. Carmarthenshire, also called Carmarthen, Welsh Sir Gaerfyrddin, county of southwestern Wales, extending inland from the Bristol Channel. Remember to wash and squash - filling every bag to the brim could save you a trip to collect an extra roll. If you do not meet the automatic eligibility listed above for a Blue Badge, you still may be able to receive a Blue Badge by undergoing a further assessment which is explained in the Blue Badge Guidance Notes. From 23 January, blue bags, for dry recycling, will now be collected every week, alongside the green bin for your food waste. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible. *** Your vote has not yet been counted ***. The Council has delivered a black box to homes that are on the glass bottles and jars collection service along with an annual supply of blue bags and food waste liners. You may be transferred to an Independent Advisory Service for further assessment, where you will be required to provide additional information. Your feedback is really important to us. You can get information on their. find out about ways to compost and how to buy a bin. 7 0 obj
More. Carmarthenshire County Council handed out a total of 4,350 in fixed penalty notices (FPN's) related to fly-tipping last month. Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page. You can now sign up to receive either email or text message reminders for your recycling and black bag collections. If you havent received your new box, or you receive a box that is damaged, please report it. If you think someone is misusing a Blue Badge you can report it by calling us on 01267 234567. <>/ExtGState<>>>/Group <>/StructParents 0/Tabs /S>>
You can put out as many blue bags as you like every week. You can purchase 3, 6 or 12 month season tickets from our cashiers within our customer service centres. If you regularly have more, find out how to reduce your waste and if you qualify for an exemption. Wed like to carry out these changes as quickly as possible, but to provide the most environmentally friendly, efficient and cost-effective service possible, other changes will take longer to put in place.
These changes come into effect the week beginning Monday 23 January 2023. Please refer to our missed collection webpage for more advice and how to report it. Tick this box to show your hygiene / nappy waste collection day / calendar. Thank you for continuing to do the right thing and for doing your bit for the environment, by sorting your waste and recycling what you can.. You can collect the following from this outlet: Please fill in the "Tell us more" box so that we can improve this page.
We will collect your black bags, for your remaining household waste that cannot be recycled, every 3 weeks. Any contamination or presentation of blue bags on the incorrect collection day will be uncollected, a sticker will be placed on the bag and a record of the infringement taken. Please provide an e-mail address so that we can get back to you if we have any further questions. Your feedback is really important to us. If you do, they could split and Its even more difficult for our crew to carry and lift them up into the collection vehicle. You may put out up to 3 black bags every 3 weeks, so it is more important than ever to recycle. Tell us your name and email address so that we can give you an update on your feedback. You can also take black bags to a recycling centre, but you must separate any recyclable items first, or you will be asked to separate them on site. Please note this will be during office hours, Monday Friday 08:30 18:00. Waste collections may be affected by many things which include access issues, resource issues and adverse weather. You can make an appointment to take your original documents with you to the Customer Services Centre and they will be able to take copies and verify the documents as necessary. Please dont report any missed collections until after 2pm and check our website for information about any disruptions to our collection services. x-q&*}R
HnunY3=Cfk}T\L28U89=7?z~?xo/iklo%8_w?O/xO/[G!u/\qb(??W98x/W?j|lcngYR}P='C/>wU:~/o:!WL. They should also print their name and occupation alongside this information. This latest step in increasing our capacity to recycle and reducing what we waste is a collective effort between our Waste and Recycling Team and you, the people of Carmarthenshire.
Dylan Wilson Obituary 2021,
Articles C