I have some King Palms whose trunks are very light in color due to sun bleaching. my large Sylvester palms have new growth out the top which turns brown. In fact, it can seriously damage the palm tree. When pruning palms, only remove fronds that are completely brown and that hang below the 9 o'clock or 3 o'clock position. (4) Consider same white lattice fence ()slightly higher than current) to replace current natural lattice fence in back of new furniture OR replace natural lattice with garden wall in interesting color such as I've been seeing on this site, maybe with short lattice strip across top. USDA Zones 8b (15 to 20 F) to 11 (above 40 F). Some experts recommend avoiding all palm tree pruning, but most suggest you avoid cutting too much or too often. The Phoenix Sylvestris(sylvestris- Latin, of the forest) also known as Silver Date Palm,Sugar Date Palm,Indian Date,orWild Date Palm, is aspeciesofflowering plantin thepalmfamily native to southernPakistan, most ofIndia,Sri Lanka,Nepal,Bhutan,BurmaandBangladesh. Gather fallen fronds (leaf part of the palm)with a rake and place them in a wheelbarrow. Allow the shears to soak for a few seconds to disinfect them. I wasn't referring to the "pineapple" look done to certain Canary Island Date Palms beneath the crown. These Indian Palms are useful in a number of ways. This is his gimmick and it does not the consider plant, people or environmental health. Do you have suggestion why new growth turns brown ? The seeds are often dried, juiced or made into jams and jellies. Grows best in full sun and moist but well drained soil. If you're planting several in a row, place them 4 to 5 feet or more apart. Be sure to consult the tips above for more information on caring for this plant. strut right here it might just be featured in an upcoming ideabook, Prevent injuries and tire damage while making a great first impression by replacing or repairing front paths, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Great Design Plant: Sabal Palm Enchants in Balmy Sites, Rare Modernist Home Uncovered in Palm Springs, Cool Tip: Mimic Stain With a DIY Color Wash, Pretty Trees for Patios, Paths and Other Tight Spots, Go Cuckoo for Coconut Furniture and Surfaces. To prevent nutritional deficiency, apply good quality palm fertilizer that has continuous release formula twice a year during growing season. However, this is a time taking procedure and better for experienced growers. Sylvester Palm plants are easily dusty or dirty and should be gently wiped down with a damp cloth to remove any accumulated soil particles. Pole pruners and tree saws are better for large, mature shrubs or trees. If it cannot be moved outdoors for the summer months, provide at least a few hours of direct sunlight. Ive only see a few tall Trachy's that actually had portions of the trunks "smooth", but they were older, and usually 20' tall at least, and the bare portion was only about the bottom third. Watch this video as we meet up with Florida's Sylvester Palm Tree Expert to learn what you should know when buying Sylvester Palm Trees. . Copyright 2022 - International Palm Society This will also reduce the growth of new infertile date palms that seed themselves from the fruit. However, good moisture in the air shows good results on the health and look of the foliage. I'll bet its not that bad. Both are fertilized twice yeary and watered (3) times weekly. It could be once, twice, or even thrice a year. See the photos attached of two Sylvester palms- one much smaller in a 15 gallon and one much bigger with the special cut. Maybe the top window could use some shaped shutters the color of the beams . However, in their early days, the plant needs water about two to three times a week. stalks is used to make an alcoholic drink in the palm's native India I soak them 2 times each week. Thus, make sure you avoid keeping the soil soggy. It is quite common, but how is it done and with what kind of equipment? Remove dead fronds to keep plant looking tidy. If you are in the market for large or small trees this is where you want to come. Makes nice, clean cuts, and is easy to control. Prices can vary depending on the size of the tree and where you live. Small white branching inflorescence form along the leaves. Features. It looks VERY nice and the trunks don't get that greyish cast--they stay nice and brown. The basic care of these drought-tolerant palms after establishment includes a slow-release palm fertilizer and annual pruning. Indoor plants usually only need occasional misting of the foliage. How to Give Your Driveway and Front Walk More Curb Appeal. Where does it ship from? South Florida's most. Therefore, I selected the Teak color. Landscape uses for sylvester palm If you're planting several in a row, place them 4 to 5 feet or more apart. Exposure:Full sun or partial shade. The guy at the nursery is not giving up his secret formula and is playing dumb. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. The ultimate guide to low-maintenance plants and landscaping! Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! More information can be found onEDISsite. I'll try to get some pics for you. Nada mucho! They are a silver-green color and have spines towards the petioles. Just like humidity, the Sylvester Date Palms are adaptable towards different types of soils. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. It has been used to dye white linens to give them that aged looked for years. Low growers that like it on the drier side, such as Indian hawthorne, The height of a grown-up tree ranges from 4 to 15 meters. Native to southern areas of Pakistan and India, Sylvester palms ( Phoenix sylvestris , U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11) also go by the common names wild date palm, India date palm and sugar date palm.The slow-growing palm tree works well as an eye-catching specimen and definitely adds a tropical flair wherever planted. Topping off this plant is rarely recommended since it may result in a weakened and unattractive appearance. This spectacular palm is often used throughout luxury homes, renowned golf courses or for avenue planting. What fertilizer do recommend and how often. (USDA Plant Hardiness Zones), Why is My Phlox Not Flowering? The trunk has a striking diamond pattern that is created by the scars from leaves. I hope I never need to ask a question here!). I haven't been able to figure out WHAT they are putting on the palm trunks, but I'd like to know myself! The fronds are cut near the base giving a diamond-like woody pattern on the trunk. Fertilize 3 If there is another Sylvester Palm nearby that is male, then the small white flowers will develop into 1 (3cm) fruits. We wont hesitate to apologize if someone is offended. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. I'm actually looking for someone to clean mine up in Southern California. Machetes can easily knick the trunk of a date palm and allow Thielaviopsis trunk rot to infect and kill a palm tree. Be careful and be safe folks! We commonly see these trees cut in a specific manner to enhance beauty. In Georgia the trees are painted white to reflect the sun. Part of the appeal of palms is the appearance of their trunks! Following the flowers is oval fruit that is 3/4 of an inch in diameter. It doesn't seem to affect the palms at all as I noticed it in my neighborhood over a year ago. Remove the dead, brown, and yellowish leaves that are closer to the tree trunk. Salt:Moderate Flowers are followed by oval fruits, about 1 inch in diameter, turning purple-black when ripe. See the package details or get expert advice to fertilize accordingly. I think you may have just nailed the secret. Water 2 3 times per week until established. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By shaped means each shutter would have an arched top to match the window top when closed . Hey if the linseed oil works go for it. the pineapple cut is like pics posted above. Plant about 5 feet from the house. If roots are tightly packed gently rake them apart with your fingers. I use to really like the room, even though it was dated. If you do paint it post pics please. Trim the fronds close to the trunk as it will allow the nutrients to reach developing and healthy leaves instead of supplying withering leaves and fronds. Make sure you work with an expert that not only has the experience but most important the knowledge. In fact, leave as many green fronds as you possibly can on the palm. Painting or staining your palm will not hurt it, other than aesthetically unless you make it dark enough to absorb enough heat to kill the inner tissue. Just like other palms, these trees are adaptable towards a range of humidity. Another good reason to start trimming a palm tree is when it has become a fire hazard or visual hazard in your yard. The plant can be carefully lifted from its container and placed into a larger one with fresh potting soil around the roots. The bushy fronds have stiff, pointy leaves with spines along the stems, so keep a safe distance from drives and walkways.at least 5 feet. Can i have pricing on them pleasr. When you get your storm door - that could be painted the same color as the front door or try to get a clear view style door. When cutting back a palm tree, dont remove most of the fronds. Your link has been automatically embedded. It has a solitary robust trunk, with interesting diamond pattern created by leaf scars. Sylvester Palm is a slow-growing evergreen plant that only grows two to three feet tall on average, but can reach up to six feet in height in its native environment if left undisturbed. It is a fast growing palm that can get up to 40-50ft tall and 25ft wide. December 22, 2015 in DISCUSSING PALM TREES WORLDWIDE. Those dead fronds may be somewhat unattractive, but they will help protect the palm from summer's heat and winter's cold. Be prepared to spend some time to make it look right. Help please??? It's hard work. I'm actually looking for someone to clean mine up in Southern California. All of the new highway-side phoenix sylvestris plantings have this. Towering and tolerant, this tree blends in, stands out and happily stars in vacation photos, A custom home by modernist William Krisel gets restored and updated, Get the look of an oil-based stain without all the bother, using this easy wash made with paint, Choose trees for their size, shape and rate of growth or shape them to fit your space. Make sure you keep the distance of the spread of the canopy. You'll get to hand pick the trees and if you need, we can even install them for you. Sorry, I wasn't clear. Add top soil or peat humus to the hole when planting. It would take a palm sander to get the floor stripped of the old finish (a few hours of fun and excitement). I think most would agree that it looks nice. I say just leave it alone. The ultimate guide to low-maintenance plants, on each side of the entrance to a gate or drive (with enough clearance). Each semi-curved leaf grows on a petiole of about 1m in length. The leaves are large, dark green, shiny, and deeply divided into glossy leaflets. Some flowers that I have found that can weather the heat-with minimal watering-are salvia, vinca, and portaluca(I love this one, its also called moss rose.) 1 cup of bleach to 10 cups of water). The classy sylvester palm is very hardy and low-maintenance - and just the right size for most home landscapes. The trunk has a striking diamond pattern that is created by the scars from leaves. These combine to form large in infructescence somewhat resembling a pendant in shape. Although it is not necessary to feed a Sylvester Palm plant during its dormant period (late autumn and winter), regular feeding with an all-purpose fertilizer during the growing season will help keep it healthy and full. They got their name from the botanist John Sylvester, who discovered them in 1769. They would prefer a slow-release fertilizer. This will allow you to have a clean workspace for pruning the palm. It sounds dumb. The adult trees can stand happy and healthy in tough water shortages. Anyway, neat discussion. Deep watering encourages roots to grow further into the ground resulting in a sturdier plant with more drought tolerance.To check for soil moisture use your finger or a hand trowel to dig a small hole and examine the soil. Environment: I don't know what with but it looks great. This classic palm lends an upscale, tropical appearance to the landscape with its elegant crown of fronds. With its feathery, bluish leaves, the Sylvester Palm is a popular landscape specimen. The Phoenix palms show a range of heights including tallies, mediums, and even some dwarf varieties. I like the coffee or tea idea. So be careful and handle these eye candies carefully! I've always wondered how they do these cool cuts. tommybahama suggested I post a picture of it to see how it looks. I recently fertilized them with Turf Royale 21-7-14, and gave them a good dose of Epsom Salt. Cut close, but not too close parallel with the trunk.. you will see the pattern when you do this and can make adjustments. Here is a link that might be useful: Carnauba palm tree (wax). These trees also produce date fruits that are a key ingredient in some wines and jams. The average price of a Sylvester palm tree is between $100 and $500. When pruning to control a plants size or shape, cuts should be made just above a leaf bud and at a slight angle. Should I paint those two pieces or maybe strip them and re-stain partly and paint partly? Just do what you think is best. The length of a mature palm leaf is between 2 to 3 meters. Tools that are dull or rusty can tear instead of slice. Cuttings should be carefully removed from healthy stems at a node (point where leaf meets stem) and carefully placed in moistened perlite. The porch lantern could have been a little bigger. Im sure palmcityfl and stanofh, as well as myself, who live in states with plenty of ethnic diversity are not at all shocked about the idea of painting a tree or palm, since we have been exposed to it, and have personally seen that it does not look as bad as it sounds. Had anyone ever seen this done or might had worked doing this for a nursery? Although these palms are drought-tolerant once they're established, water during dry spells if you don't have irrigation. Keep the soil moist but well-drained, watering more in times of drought and less when there is rainfall. Coral Gables, FL 8 miles North of Fairchild USDA Zone 10B. Sylvester Palms have a hefty central trunk that is noticeably swollen at the base. Trunk is swollen at the base, about 13-18 inches in diameter. Pruning them into pineapple shapes or skinning their trunks weaken the trees. These Silver Date palms are pretty easygoing. Once pollinated, these flowering heads produce fruit containing seeds that are coveted for their starch content and used as food by Native Americans, Hawaiians, Polynesians, and Filipinos. Any data in this post is provided 'as is' and in no event shall I be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, damages resulting from accuracy or lack thereof, insult, or any other damages. The silvery blue-green fronds are a nice contrast to other, more typical greenery. If you are in the market for large or small trees this is where you want to come. pinkpetunia - First of all welcome to the forum. I realize many here will find the idea of staining palm trunks to be unseemly, but I really like the look. The wide canopies and spiky foliage needs proper space to dwell. Pic taken in s. cakalacky, can you name it. Either way this is not a good idea for palms or any plants. Be sure not to remove green fronds growing horizontally or pointing up. After living in Melbourne Fl for over Forty years, this palm information site is the best I have found on the net. I use an 18v Dewalt Reciprocating Saw. Display as a link instead, Using your gloves,pick up any debris from the palm tree underneath the tree and around the trunk area. I would imagine that it had to have been organic but I suppose the trees could be dead if they were just doing it for the show and it was just regular stain. var year=today.getFullYear() Your suggestions appreciated. Jeff (crazy northern palm & tropical guy). 18K views 2 years ago Watch this video as we meet up with Florida's Sylvester Palm Tree Expert to learn what you should know when buying Sylvester Palm Trees. If there is another Sylvester Palm nearby that is male, then the small white flowers will develop into 1" (3cm) fruits. You will need strong and sharp sheers to do the job. This palm is very hardy. So, next time you grab some from the Indian Palms, make sure you share a little review from your taste buds. #landscape #Medjool #install #poolscape #Nursery #pool #HTX #houstonpools #hgtv #Houzz #custompools #luxurypools #customhomes #gardendesign #landscapedesign #outdoorliving #outdoorspaces #garden #outdoordesign #katylandscape #sugarlandlandscape #tomballlandscape #TheWoodlandsLandscape #SpringLandscape #PearlandLandscape #GalleriaLandscape #DowntownLandscape #HoustonLandscape, Verdant Tree Farm & Landscape - South at Perfect Palapas, TREES | PALMS | SHRUBS. I took this picture with my phone while i was on my daily jog. Depending on rainfall, new plants need to be watered weekly through the first growing season. This row is the last remaining trees of an olive orchard. Theis first row of olives was left as street trees. The row goes on for miles. Thus, if you are a fan of Canary Palms and have a smaller space, just get your hands on these beautiful Sylvestris Palm Trees. Moreover, they have the lower leaf metamorphosed into long and sharp spines know as acanthophylls. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Like I said its purely aesthetics. The sap of the creamy Toddy palm flowers is processed to make a kind of alcohol. This bud will be where the new growth sprouts.Many shrubs can be regularly sheared to keep them shaped as a hedge, edging or formal foundation planting.Always use sharp, clean tools when pruning. Its a real thrill!". Think about cutting back a palm tree if you notice dead or dying fronds. Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, Not really sure about my dining room choices. Sorry ewicatcher. Still with us? I did end up staining my King Palm trunks with Linseed Oil. The large wide arching leaves look majestic as the focal point of any subtropical ornamental garden. Maybe some kind of decking oil would do the job but then youd have a strange bi-coloured trunk as the palm continues to grow.I remember seeing somewhere a palm theat had been painted with coloured rings. Here is a list of Just a few of our trees we carry: We are Houston's largest nursery (20 acres). I have two large Sylvester Palm Trees which, over the years, have developed discolored trunks due to multiple pruning events. After that they should be sturdy enough to survive on their own. I have two Sylvester Palms and both are dying from ground up. And then a few dollars of polyurethane and a few days to allow it to cure = new floor ready for another 20+ years of wear. If the petiole does not remove easily by hand, do not forcefully pull on them, these are not ready for removal. Each crown or canopy contains more than 100 leaves. Water the plant well then add a 2 (5cm) layer of mulch, such as shredded bark, around the planting area. There are many ethnic neighborhoods where just about every public palm is painted white. One of our prettiest cold hardy palms, it produces an edible fruit (said to be sweet) and the sap from flower White to off-white unisexual flowers grow on the inflorescence. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Water the soil to ensure the proper absorption of the nutrients. If not, I expect I'll be stuck paying at least $5K for a pergola. Sorry for giving you a bad first impression. For more information visit. My washies looked great when I first shaved the trunks . The book you recommend is on the way to him and me. Leaves are about 10-15ft long, silver or blue-green color, slightly curved, with 100-120 sharply pointed at the end leaflets. Pour one part bleach to 10 parts water into a bucket (e.g. Become a member of the exclusive club and join the gardening elite. http://www.lowes.com/pd_405418-70-DCS380B_0__?k_clickID=7e21efa0-f288-466a-a802-983e74592153&store_code=1107&productId=3962537&selectedLocalStoreBeanArray=%5Bcom.lowes.commerce.storelocator.beans.LocatorStoreBean%406c936c93%5D&storeNumber=1107&kpid=3962537&cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-ToolsAndHardware-_-CordlessDrillsAndComboKits-_-3962537%3ADEWALT&CAWELAID=&CAWELAID=1624630032, In my post I sometimes express "my" opinion. Side of the fronds are cut near the base giving a diamond-like pattern... Of alcohol them with Turf Royale 21-7-14, and gave them a good of! Might be useful: Carnauba palm tree ( wax ) for someone to clean mine up in California! Them for you not forcefully pull on them, these are not ready for removal ingredient! Idea of staining palm trunks, but most important the knowledge a bucket (.. 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