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There are also many innocent victims in wartime, but when children are victims, our hearts especially go out to them. Slashing Americas defense: A suicidal trajectory. As Chapter 15 Population and the Environment discussed, population growth may lead to armed conflict of various types, including war, because growing populations need more food, water, and other resources. Joshua Risner, US Army, BAGHDAD_-_Iraqi_Soldiers,_with_the_6th_IA_Division,_ familiarize_themselves_with_their_targets_and_prepare_ for_a_PKC_machine_gun_range_at_Combat _Outpost_402,_here,_Sept._28._In_addition_to_ marksmanship.jpg. New York, NY: New York Review of Books. They also say that the stationing of some 300,000 American troops on 865 military bases abroad at the time of this writing, including 81,000 troops in Europe and 220,000 in other nations, is hardly needed to ensure the nations defense. One Iraq veteran with these problems is Tom Marcum, who came home with a brain injury, PTSD, and fits of violence and short-term memory loss. New York Times, p. A12. This type of research accelerated, however, after several scandals involving sexual assault and harassment occurred during the 1990s on military bases and at military academies. Jobs, hobbies, friends, even parental obligations to young children fall by the wayside. Answer preview to identify two social science issues related to war. In Vietnam, Tirman writes, American troops and planes routinely razed villages to the ground, killing villagers indiscriminately, and then evacuated any survivors. Recall that when weather disasters and other environmental changes cause drought and other problems, crops and other resources become scarcer. A recent study found that adolescents with a deployed parent are more likely than those with civilian parents to feel depressed and suicidal. Stopping Americas most lethal export. Why we should help veterans start their own businesses. These weapons were never found, and critics charged that the White House had fabricated and exaggerated evidence of the weapons in order to win public and congressional support for the war (Danner, 2006). Resources, the environment, and conflict. Epistemologically, scientific realism is (say, mainly) based on the idea that we generate theoretical entities to understand, describe, and discover a structure . First, the defense industry is very effective at lobbying Congress for increased military spending, with the cozy relationship among members of the military-industrial complex helping to ensure the effectiveness of this lobbying. For example, it would be difficult for us as a society to work on natural science and engineering problems such as batteries, vaccines, etc., if we did not have a civil society, a functioning banking system, universal education, safe streets, etc.and all of these are social problems, not natural science problems. What happened to a leaner, meaner military. Audit of Pentagon spending finds $70 billion in waste. Health care expenses for survivors amount to almost $1 billion annually, and the cost of prosecution amounts to $19 million annually (Stalsburg, 2011). Although this is almost an unimaginable number, there is cause for some hope, even as there is also cause for despair. Impact of Social Issues in Education. Only about one-seventh of these victims reported their rapes and sexual assaults. (2012). Women veterans who are raped or sexually assaulted often suffer PTSD. Values may be influenced by multiple factors including social, religious, and personal views. To be blunt, American troops simply shot untold hundreds of Korean and Vietnamese civilians in cold blood. Retrieved from The Second World War triggered a series of rapid and far-reaching social changes in Newfoundland and Labrador. First, war, terrorism, genocide, and other armed conflicts do continue. ), The Routledge handbook of security studies (pp. The psychological effect of war on veterans and their families 1 ) . Bess, M. (2008). This individualistic focus risks neglecting the core issue: the role of a social world, invariably targeted in war and yet still embodying the capacity of survivor populations to manage their suffering, adapt and recover on a collective basis. World War I again provides an interesting example of such changes. War is sustained armed conflict that causes large-scale loss of life or extreme material destruction (Worrell, 2011, p. 1). War and sacrifice in the post-9/11 era. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress. The United States, of course, began with the colonial war against England. Some relevant global social problems include income inequality (poverty), corruption, the rise in authoritarianism (erosion of democratic values), criminality, unsustainable development, and bullying in schools. Those two weapons were tiny in both number and size compared to nuclear weapons today. Future research will no doubt build on existing studies to further illuminate this significant problem. Families of deployed troops also face many difficulties. China ranked a distant second at $119 billion, followed by the United Kingdom at $60 billion and France at $49 billion (see Figure 16.3 International Military Spending, 2010). Obamas damaging blow to our military. The better angels of our nature: Why violence has declined. New York, NY: Routledge. Newsweek, 5262. War can also change a nations political structure in obvious ways, as when the winning nation forces a new political system and leadership on the losing nation. Some verses follow. The U.S. military does not need or want all officers to become social scientist researchers, but applied social science can nevertheless help develop strategic thinking because it: (1) focuses on human behavior and influence; (2) develops comfort with competing theories; (3) requires creativity; and (4) uses evidence and iteration to better . This report concluded that the more money we spend on unneeded weapons programs, the more layoffs there will be of police officers, firefighters, teachers, and other workers whose jobs are funded directly or indirectly by federal spending.. When the war began, a sort of truce developed between management and labor, as workers wanted to appear patriotic by supporting the war effort and hoped that they would win important labor rights for doing so. Most Americans continued to live their normal lives, whereas most Iraqis had to struggle to survive the many ravages of war. History shows that when these resources become too scarce within a society, that society is more likely to go to war to wrest these resources from another society (Gleditsch & Theisen, 2010). This percentage range is much higher than the 20 percent share of federal spending cited by the government solely for defense outlays. Compared to Europe, then, the United States has chosen guns over butter, leaving far less money for its social needs. Guns versus butter is a macroeconomics phrase that illustrates the dilemma that nations face in deciding their spending priorities. Many of the social problems in society are connected in subtle ways, but all social problems are connected to the leadership of countries, corporations, and other groups. Indeed, the Marcums situation is far from rare among the families of the 2 million veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Advancements were made in health care, education, transportation, communication . (2011). Solution Verified Create an account to view solutions Recommended textbook solutions Sociology and You 1st Edition Jon M. Shepard, Robert W. Greene 713 solutions Sociology and You 1st Edition Jon M. Shepard, Robert W. Greene 750 solutions Historically, this scarcity has again motivated societies to go to war. Collier, E. C. (1993). Because napalm is very sticky, it is almost impossible to wipe off or remove with water once it does end up on skin. If we say the history of the United States has been written in war, that is not too much of an exaggeration. vanden Heuvel, K. (2011, June 13). Virtual reality As a result, and despite the fact that endeavors to reward labor for its wartime cooperation were, in general, provisional, partial, and half-hearted, it was nonetheless the case that labor achieved some real gains (Halperin, 2004, p. 155). Source: First F-35C Flight, Wikipedia, Last modified on November 20, 2011, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Peace Studies Program. Vietnam Veterans Against the War. As a historian summarized this connection, By the end of the war, labors wartime mobilization and participation had increased its relative power within European societies. 221232). Depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic problems such as insomnia are the most common effects. Although calculations are complex, total military spending accounted for an estimated 43 percent to 48 percent of discretionary spending in 2011 (Friends Committee on National Legislation, 2012; War Resisters League, 2012). Begley, S. (2009, June 29). Victims of military rape deserve justice. Washington, DC: Center for International Policy. The Washington Post. Generally accepted as falling under the heading social science are sociology, anthropology, political science, psychology, and economics, although debates still rage within these disciplines as to the degree to which each is a humanity versus a science. Retrieved from For example, the F-35 fighter aircraft has been plagued with management problems, huge cost-overruns, [and] substantial performance shortfalls, according to a recent news report (Kaplan, 2012). the families are worried about their loved ones Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions University of California Los Angeles Keiser University Critics of the military budget say that the billions of dollars spent on weapons and other military needs would be better spent on domestic needs such as schools and day care. Lochhead, C. (2012, February 14). Episode 1, Season 1 of Social Science of War examines the implications for land warfare from the Russian invasion of Ukrainethe biggest land war in Europe since World War II. More than 85 articles were downloaded, and of these, 53 articles were selected by considering relatedness, reputability of the journal, and pattern of writing and analyzed accordingly. The Three "Waves" That Built the Portfolio. It includes a range of topics on social science and humanities, such as history, culture, geography, sociology, education, etc. This episode of Social Science of War examines a range of issues related to Army talent managementfrom the ways in which service in the. Four decades later, questions of deceit were again raised after the United States began the war against Iraq because of its alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction. The Washington Post, p. B01. Although war is a social phenomenon arising from decisions of political and military officials, other phenomena can make it more likely that these officials will decide to go to war. New York, NY: Vintage Books. But he also notes that the Korean and Vietnam wars included many atrocities committed by American troops against civilians. The establishment of foreign bases provided the Commission of Government with an unforeseen amount of wealth, which it used to improve social services. Several years later, she was still having many health problems and could not forget what happened to her. Pollin, R., & Garrett-Peltier, H. (2011). A.I.D.E. 1. Some 400,000 tons of napalm were used altogether. Retrieved from LISA-BAKER,89325?search_filter=A+concerted+effort+needed+to+help+homeless +veterans &town_id=1&sub_type=stories. Retrieved February 17, 2012, from SOC SCI 132. In support of this evolutionary argument, some scientists note that chimpanzees and other primates also engage in group aggression against others of their species (Wrangham, 2004). Choose one of the five social institutions. Use the reading about social institutions in India to identify two social science issues that could be researched One social science issue related to war is the effects of war on the mental health of the service members . napalm sticks to kids. By any measure, then, the US military has played a fundamental role, for better or worse, in the nations foreign affairs historically and also today. Dao, J. In terms of the risk of dying in war, then, the Mongolian wars were five times more deadly than World War II. The article presents major trends and turning points in the growth of five social science disciplines in the country: anthropology, economics, political science, psychology and sociology. Social Problems by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Poverty, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. (2012, January 8). Federation of American Scientists. These issues basically have two forms of impactfirst, the student's performance suffers, and second, the teacher starts having different . To do so, it routinely deployed chemical weapons such as Agent Orange (dioxin, a known carcinogen), napalm, and white phosphorous. Drew, C. (2011, March 30). Tirman describes one Korean incident in which machine gun fire from US warplanes killed about one hundred civilian refugees who were resting on a road. As the Marcums situation indicates, spouses and other family members of veterans also are casualties of war. Retrieved from Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), Operation New Dawn (OND), and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) U.S. Casualty Status. Much of these mandatory expenses are funded by trust funds, such as Social Security taxes, which are raised and spent separately from income taxes. War and social change in modern Europe: The great transformation revisited. Leitenberg, M. (2006). Between the end of the colonial period and 1993, the US military was involved in at least 234 declared wars, undeclared wars, or other situations abroad involving actual or potential armed conflict (Collier, 1993). This diversion of funds is unfortunate, but it might still be necessary if the high level of US military spending is needed to ensure the nations security. Instances of use of United States forces abroad, 17981993. War between nations is called international war, while war within nations is called civil war. Slate. Friends Committee on National Legislation. Social issues news. Quality and affordable writing services. One veteran recalled being gang raped by her drill sergeant and four other soldiers, who then broke several bones in her body and urinated on her. Cross) Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham) Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office. It identifies important work by historians that calls into question the assumption that all social science during the Cold War amounts to "Cold War social science." These historians attribute significant agency to social scientists, showing how . Halperin, S. (2004). Tirman notes that approximately 6 million civilians and soldiers died in the Korean, Vietnam/Indochina, Iraq, and Afghanistan wars. The Korean and Vietnam veterans memorials in the nations capital and so many other memorials across the nation remind us of the hundreds of thousands of brave men and women who have died serving their country. They add that the exports often go to nations ruled by dictators, who then use them to threaten their own people (Feinstein, 2011; Shah, 2011). This education, extending over a period of nearly three years, is one based upon the very first principles of society, discipline, both mental and physical, and a recognition at once both of the. Wars occur both between nations and within nations, when two or more factions engage in armed conflict. problems, problems not so apparent in the analo-gous sciences, problems arising from the fact that . Describe some of the factors that have influenced this social institution in India. Hartung, W. D. (2012). Identify two social science issues related to war. New York, NY: Penguin. DOD: New nuclear subs will cost $347 billion to acquire, operate. Feb 2, 2023. By 2011, NIJ's solicitation for social science research on forensic science yielded several solid proposals, and we were able to fund five projects. While the US blows money on the military, Europe spends dough on social programs. Second, members of Congress fear being labeled weak on defense if they try to reduce the military budget or do not agree to new weapons systems requested by the Pentagon. As an economics writer wryly noted, So remember to take pride in American power, and remember that it comes at a very high price. In making this classic macroeconomics decision, the United States has much to learn from the wealthy nations of Europe. This course systematically identifies a comprehensive picture of current social issues and concerns in a school as they impact socio-cultural development; student safety and violence prevention; person/social development; and academic achievement. The aim is to build a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. (2012, May 18). This article is intended to investigate the war-related psycho-social problems and mitigating strategies of war declared on Ethiopia's Amhara region civilians. It includes studies of individuals and the . Children of deployed troops struggle, study finds. The social sciences are concerned with the study of human society and with the relationship of individuals in, and to, society. By far, the most significant issue was poor leadership; 28% of . We both wound up suspended for that one (Ashton, 2011). Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation and Inequality, Chapter 15: Population and the Environment, Table 16.2 US Participation in Major Wars,,,,, BAGHDAD_-_Iraqi_Soldiers,_with_the_6th_IA_Division,_ familiarize_themselves_with_their_targets_and_prepare_ for_a_PKC_machine_gun_range_at_Combat _Outpost_402,_here,_Sept._28._In_addition_to_ marksmanship.jpg, Chapter 15 Population and the Environment, Figure 16.3 International Military Spending, 2010,,, LISA-BAKER,89325?search_filter=A+concerted+effort+needed+to+help+homeless +veterans &town_id=1&sub_type=stories,,,,,,,,,0,36%257E30137%257E,00.html,,_europe _spends_dough_on_social_programs,,,,,,, 139520143.html,,,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. For example, the deaths of so many soldiers during the American Civil War left many wives and mothers without their familys major breadwinner. The chief academic disciplines of the social sciences are anthropology, economics, history, political science, and sociology. The war of social media," Popular Science, 288 (2 . While the film is in Japanese, its simple yet challenging message applies to all of us: We will never truly be able to address the problem of poverty when so much of society looks at being poor as . As large as it is, the $768 billion just cited as the official figure for the US military budget is misleading in at least two ways. Identify two social science issues related to education. When these problems occur, they may ironically worsen the psychological state of these veterans. Although World War II killed an estimated 55 million people, a smaller percentage of the worlds population died in armed conflict during the twentieth century than in earlier eras. She also refused to display the American flag, saying, When I looked at the American flag, I used to see red, white, and blue. Retrieved from to social improvement. These actions did destroy the countryside, but they also destroyed humans. The Vietnam War marked a time when many Americans became concerned about childrens suffering during wartime. The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook. The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, in which Congress authorized President Lyndon Johnson to wage an undeclared war in Vietnam, was passed after North Vietnamese torpedo boats allegedly attacked US ships. By contrast, The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspective views war through the lens of the social sciences, looking at the causes, processes and effects of war and drawing from a vast group of fields such as communication and mass media, economics, political science and law, psychology and sociology. Answer (1 of 10): Brief answer: The principles of social science have to be the same as natural science --- natural laws. Social science issues related to war. McKeon, H. P. B. They are also more likely to engage in drug use and binge drinking. Inevitably, Vietnamese civilians were in the path of the fireballs generated by the US and South Vietnamese militaries. appeared first on Yourhomeworksolutions. It also documents the psychological and health effects of military sexual assault (MSA). Obamas defense cuts are a drop in the bucket. Castelli, C. J. 1). Second, the world today is a much more dangerous place than in the past because of the existence of nuclear weapons. Wheeler, W. T. (2009). Some eighty years later, the involvement of African Americans in the US armed forces during World War II helped begin the racial desegregation of the military. "Surprisingly, the civilians within the conflict . McGovern, G. (2011). Sexual assault in the US military: A review of the literature and recommendations for the future. However it is calculated, the US military budget is by far the highest in the world and in fact accounts for 43 percent of the worlds military spending. (2009). Most of these victims were civilians, and most of these civilian deaths were the result of actions by the United States and its allies. SNHU Social Science Issues Assignment Identify two social science issues related to war. Still, tensions often arise. Veterans in History and Society. War has significant impacts, but perhaps most of all on civilians and veterans. : an American History (Eric Foner) Interpersonal Communication (Kory Floyd) Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Job numbers are up, but veterans are left behind. The European nations decisions to limit their military spending allows more spending for social needs. Then, the civilians within the conflict wars included many atrocities committed by American troops against civilians has guns. 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