Can also be used to refer to any woman (similar to sheila). The Australian usage differs to the British usage of the term, where wog refers to people of Central Asian ethnicity (people from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc.). a car driver sounding his horn a lot (the imputation being that the driver was acting like a child who had received a present for Christmas, who would play with it a lot, due to the excitement of having just received a new toy). Can be hyphenated, i.e. connie = A tram conductor (now outdated, since the removal of conductors from the trams in Melbourne). Total street cred on your behalf, I reckon! Banana Benders = Queenslanders; as Queensland is the state where a lot of bananas are grown, being located in the tropical area of Australia. gday cobber = Another way to say Hello mate or Good day to you, my friend. 2023 - The Best Place to Learn New Slang Terms & Phrases, 101+ Hawaii Slang & Pidgin Phrases (Complete List), 30 Minnesota Slang Words, Sayings and Phrases (Complete List), 41 Alabama Words, Sayings & Phrases (Complete List), 130+ New York Slang Words and Meanings (The Ultimate Guide), Top 10 Other Words for Hasty (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dazzling (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dying (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Precedent (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Expensive (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Respond (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Mundane (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Profitable (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Eccentric (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Recognition (Explained w Examples). bullet = Sacked, e.g. Derived from spewing (i.e. doco = A documentary (usually refers to one on television). Who doesnt love a good pizza with mushies? However, when I look at his second meaning, this seems to cover your given usage: A U-turn. Example: I heard you got a promotion for bringing in millions of dollars to the company. he was carrying on like a pork chop. Singular: Anglo. kiddo = A kid, a child. swimming costumes); also rendered as the Great Aussie Cossie. Myer Emporium, Bourke Street, Melbournemore front than Myers = Someone with a lot of affrontery (also spelt as effrontery), audacity, or chutzpah; a reference to the long store frontage of Sidney Myers department store. couldnt raffle a chook in a pub = Referring to someone who is incompetent. boardies = An abbreviation of board shorts (bathers or swimwear which look like shorts). I've been flat chat. You reckon theres life on Mars? dead set = Truly, e.g. Derived from the imagined length of a bees genitalia. The G = The Melbourne Cricket Ground, abbreviated as The MCG, further abbreviated as The G. Something that is extremely old or from an earlier period. The Aussie slang for a carton of beers is slab. The desert. Do you want eggs and toast? stoush = A fight or brawl, e.g. big smoke = The city (can be used to refer to any big city). Excellent. office bike = A woman who is sexually active with many men, i.e. parma = A parmigiana. Meaning: (Noun) The Australian slang word cobber is used to refer to a wonderful friend. arced up = A reference to someone being angry or upset, e.g. Cobber - A very good friend. Tommo = Tom or Thomas (or the surnames Thomson or Thompson). Derived from beautiful. K = Kilometer (abbreviation), e.g. Plural: durries. After a big night out, youll likely end up at the Maccas drive-thru. not a dramatic event). Look here, kiddo, youd better not do that. cracked = [2] To attempt to strike up a relationship so as to establish a sexual liaison, e.g. carked it = To die; stop working, e.g. But despite not having quite the established vernacular some other countries and cultures may boast, Australian slang words have become globally adored. A hangover is the experience of various unpleasant physiological and psychological effects usually following the consumption of alcohol, such as wine, beer, and liquor.Hangovers can last for several hours or for more than 24 hours. slant-eye = An Asian person (a derogatory term). Ambo . Days of thunder and glory:). But in Australia, it is a slang word for awesome. Today, sick is used by Millenials around the world. bathers - swimsuit. Gor blimey, I ate too much, Im as full as a goog. Barbecue. = A light-hearted thanks to God for making it rain, inclusive of a request to make the rain continue (the intent is something like Good on ya, God, for making it rain; keep up the good work). thong = Open-toed footwear, designed to be used in hot weather, especially at the beach. Sheena kissed Kylies boyfriend. Ugh. Example: Is someone in the dunny? This is how every Australian will constantly refer to you, friend or no. Dero is my favourite, I love to whip that one out to confuse the Brits. A dying breed of Australian, who is easy-going and fun-loving, whilst being a bit cheeky. shell be right = Everything will be alright. Derived from the Froot Loops, a breakfast cereal brand that is a mixture of crazy different colors. We've compiled a list of 40 of the most common Australian slang terms so you can become an expert in speaking Aussie. Bandywallop = A made-up place name for somewhere very far away, up country; examples of which include Bandywallop, Bullamakanka, and Woop Woop. He brought the teacher an apple, hes a real crawler. Can be used as an affirmative response to virtually anything. the car is not much chop, but it gets you from A to B. theyre living out in the back blocks. garbo = Garbage man; the person who comes along in a truck to collect your rubbish. Its a bit of an old bomb. He didnt get picked for the footy team, so hes having a bit of a sook. A divvy vandivvy van = Divisional van; a police vehicle, based upon a utility vehicle design, with a lockable rear section, used to transport prisoners (sometimes referred to as a paddy wagon); can also be spelt as divvie van. coldie - beer. In army slang, a kilometer is called a click, e.g. Bewdy, Norm! was an advertising catchphrase in the 1970s. Meaning: (Noun) A dag, in Aussie slang, is a geek or a nerd. To treat someone. not British sterling). Australia Day is a day to reflect, respect and celebrate the Australian spirit and the best of this country - our mateship, our sense of community and our . The British comedy group Monty Python has taken this to the extreme in one of their sketches. sticky beak = [2] Having an unwarranted look into someone elses business, e.g. Win a trip to Sydney for Australia Day 2024. To manoeuvre ones car into a u-turn is to chuck a u-ie.. To leave, sometimes used to mean the person in question has disappeared with their tail between their legs. Excuse me, digger, how do I get to the next town? Derived from World War One army slang, when the soldiers referred to each other as digger. My personal favourite bottle-o is called Thirsty Camel, where the shop is like a drive thru, except you get alcohol instead of burgers. Hes a fair dinkum Aussie. as ugly as a hatful of arseholes = A negative reference to someones looks. it was so obvious that even Blind Freddie could have seen it, even Blind Freddie could have done it. Aussies love hanging out in the arvo with a cold one. chin wag = Talk, gossip, chat, usually refers to a conversation of some length regarding matters of little importance, e.g. A man he was a dinky di, true blu, Aussie bloke (this sentence will make sense once you finish reading this list). Australian literature 01. You can now say youre doing for a smoko if youre taking around a 10-15 minute break from work. When you are mad at someone or something, youre aggroshort for aggravated. Now I use it all the time. To pronounce this properly, the words oo and roo should both rhyme with boo, do, or you. Example: Dont forget to go to the store in the arvo. Tap to play GIF. Quagga (Kwa -gh - uh): This slang name is used to refer to . Yeah? They dont just sell milk. Its one of the most well-known Australian slang phrases. Send her down, Hughie! You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. Great post, thank you! Sigh. (Actually, another of the 19 - cheese and kisses/ "missus" - is rhyming slang, too, but not identified as such.) A term arising from the vast sandy deserts of Western Australia; also, sandgroper is the name of a burrowing insect found in Western Australia, belonging to the Cylindrachetidae family). down = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. Shooting the moon [short story by Henry Lawson], Timeline of Australian history and culture, Calendar of Australian history and culture, Significant events and commemorative dates. Im going to see the relos at Christmas. Thanx Example: Im going off now. Hello and welcome to Birdgehls, a responsible travel blog with an emphasis on backyard travel in Australia. Chrissy = Abbreviation of Christmas; can also be spelt as Chrissie. buggered = [1] Broken down, not working, e.g. Can be used for emphasis, e.g. Some are in current widespread use, whilst others are not; some may be derived or taken from overseas slang, but most are unique to Australia. Meaning: (Noun) Thongs in Australia are not stringy underwear. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Singular: ankle biter. Up a gum tree = In dire trouble, in a quandary. cookies in the States. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "hangover" are: hanging out of my arse, w.h.o., morning, babalas, and crudo. Aussies have always been a fan of football. Can also be used in a general sense when speaking to someone, e.g. Theres no real reason why Aussies do this except maybe to save time, effort and to sound more friendly. divvy = Divide, e.g. Nationality [poem by Mary Gilmore, 12 May 1942] This is the nickname my family have traditionally applied to our dogs. The, Read More Wine Not? Have a Captain Cook at this. I cant be arsed to cook dinner tonight. [See the entry: Bodgies and Widgies.]. As a Kiwi, raisins and sultanas are not the same thing! troppo = To go crazy, loony, mad; to be mentally disturbed; acting strangely, e.g. Distinct from the British slang term spunk, which refers to semen. Interestingly, this is one of the few Australian slang words that has been popularised in the USA, as Ive heard many American friends use it. Thanks for the chuckle! The Macquarie Australian Slang Dictionary James Lambert, 2004 Sydney: Macquarie Library Introduction The words Aussie and slang go together like swagman and billy, like bloke and sheila, like fair dinkum and true blue. do = To bash or fight someone, e.g. av a go = Strine for Have a go, i.e. bolt it in = To win easily, or to win by a great distance, e.g. Bush telly "Bush. When a person receives good news or wins money or prizes, Embarrassingly short/tight mens' shorts popular in 1970s. That was a bit of a rort.. dob = To inform on, e.g. he drank ten beers, then he chucked up in the toilet. Meaning: (Noun) Aussies refer to a liquor store as a bottle shop or Bottle-o. Heres a fun new word, Barbeque. Aussie salute - brushing away flies with your hand. Similar to oo roo. decko = To look, e.g. Come and have a cuppa. See: IAC list on Trove. It can also be used to describe someone that's uncouth or a bit weird. Required fields are marked *. Derived from the early years of South Australia, when food was short, and it was said that people in South Australia were shooting crows to cook and eat them. Can also be spelt as bonza. Derived from the name of the Australian television series Skippy, about a kangaroo. Also spelt hooroo. The name derives from the fact that these stubby beers are short in comparison to their 750ml bottles cousins. Just avoid the gambling game. Also called a googy egg, although that phrase is normally used with children, e.g. Lisa was having a bloody good time at Sams party. best thing since sliced bread = Something that is very good, a great invention. Similar to cactus. dole bludger = Someone who receives unemployment benefits, but is perceived to not really be looking for work. 2) Drop bears target tourists, study says, Australian Geographic Well, neither my husband nor I are Queenslanders, in fact, hes a born and bred Melburnian. Robbo = Robert. they had a bit of a bingle on the main road. Means 'Hey you!' - used to get someone's attention. Example: Did you get new daks? crook = [1] Ill, sick, unwell, e.g. bum steer = Given the wrong information, received the wrong directions, misled. What do you think this is? Siphon the python? The wine, a personal fave slang of mine to use for a happy hour. Derived from the gold rush days, when people fossicked for gold. youse = You all; you guys. arsey = Someone who is considered lucky, e.g. Slang in Straya (Australia) is traditionally known as Strine. A yachtsman or yachtswoman. Go on, give it a burl. Topics Russell Crowe tests his knowledge of Aussie and Kiwi slang. You know, strain the potatoes. Use GoodMigrations to get and compare quotes from reputable international movers, then book the best mover online. grog = Alcohol, an alcoholic drink, e.g. He donged him on the head. Goodbye in Australian slang. The universal Australian abbreviation of 'bottle shop', a purveyor of alcoholic beverages; what a Pom (Englishman) would call an off-licence or a Yank (American) would call a liquor store. According to the algorithm behind Urban Thesaurus, the top 5 slang words for "headache" are: idea, hangover, brain freeze, quantum physics, and bangover. This word is another popular Aussie slang today. Collins Street farmer = A businessman or investor who buys or invests in a farm or agricultural business (Collins Street is a street in Melbourne associated with businessmen, particularly with medical professionals); the New South Wales version is a Pitt Street farmer (after a street in Sydney associated with businessmen). The expression of words in an Australian accent is known as Strine (which is how many Aussies say the word Australian). A sub-branch of Australian slang. This means there are 19 expressions identified as Australian, plus the two rhyming slang expressions- actually another of the 19 ( cheese and kisses "missus") is rhyming slang too, but not identified as such. Go on, have a think about it, use your loaf. go soak your head = Telling someone to rack off (telling someone to go away), usually while in a dispute or disagreement. she gave him curry when he got back late from the pub. Dinner. Get on the bike, av a go, it wont bite ya. The Australian's talk in a language all of there own, there is some slang that is recognisable to the UK but others just seem to come out of nowhere. Good onya is a job well done and a saying in reaction to being told something. bloody oath = Too right, thats the truth, an affirmation of a truth, e.g. Derived from the taste of beer. And neither! Often used in a negative sense regarding a person with an over-inflated opinion of themselves, e.g. Ned Kelly: Australian bushranger drongo = Someone who is an idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. A 285ml glass of beer, also known as a pot in some states. Thats fair dinkum. stoked = Excited, exhilarated, e.g. BS = An abbreviation of the word bullshit (referring to a lie, to something said that is disagreed with, or to a situation that is disagreed with), e.g. who invented it? Someone who is easily upset or who complains about little things. The phrase within coo-ee denotes a manageable distance, whereas not within coo-ee denotes somewhere far away. Aussie Slang Playing Cards . It is then spun around and whoever it lands on has to have a drink, pouring it straight from the clothesline into their mouth. Named from the main character in Hawaii 5-0. Distinct from the slang word lolly, used in Europe and the USA, which refers to an under-age girl (derived from the movie Lolita, made in 1962 and re-made in 1997). If a place is chock-a-block, it is full with either people or things, like cars in a parking lot. Referred to as a Shetland in WA. Who asked you to stick your bib in?. To have sex. That meal was bonzer. Put it inside now. A biscuit (or cookie), commonly used in the phrase tea and biccies, a hangover of Australias colonial days. couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting = Someone who is lacking in intelligence, someone who is a bit mentally slow, someone who is a bit slow on the uptake, e.g. crust = Used in reference to someones job or income, e.g. Sheila initially was how Aussies would refer to Irish women, but eventually the name stuck as slang for women in general. Example: A rellie of mine will vacation here this summer. Your email address will not be published. Example: Fair dinkum! The Aussie Habit of Nicknaming "Strine" slang has always been an important part of Australian life, prized for its informality and irreverence, at times vulgar, at times poetic, employing metaphors ("don't come the raw prawn with me"), similes ("as mad as a cut snake"), as well as rhyming slang ("dog's eye with dead horse . Example: You are the top performer in your department and your hard yakka will be rewarded. Scurvy has the dubious honor of being one of the oldest . like a bandicoot on a burnt ridge = Someone who is very alone. phrase pissed to the eyeballs:, Spewin (adj) objecting to a situation, place or thing causing the person to become vocally angry, agitated or upset. hawk the fork = Soliciting for purposes of prostitution; from hawk (to sell) and fork (vagina). Stubby - bottle of beer, usually 375 ml. One of the lower valued coins, it was roughly equivalent to 5 cents in decimal currency. She bangs like a dunny door. See: IAC list on Trove. What is summer without one of these? Example: Hey mate, lets have a barbie on the weekend. He was skiting about how good he is at footy. Read More Go for gold: 18 things to do in Bendigo in 2023Continue, Earlier this week, my countrys people, wherever they were at the time, banded together to celebrate our nations national holiday Australia Day. Australian National University research shows using Australian slang in a foreign accent has a neutral impact on likability John Jarratt's initially charming psychopath from the Wolf Creek movies. What are yous up to today?. Bloody brilliant! Derived from the practice of young male Aborigines going walkabout, heading off into the wilderness, to live alone for several months, as a rite of passage. See: IAC list on Trove. 2. ripper = Something really good. Distinct from crook, meaning criminal. [See the entry: shoot through like a Bondi tram.]. Aussie salute = Waving away flies from your face. A form of terminology used by Australias Indigenous population. Chunder - Vomit. bailed up = Originally a reference to the demand made by bushrangers (who would say to their victims Bail up!, similar to Stand and deliver!), but now refers to someone being stopped, usually in an inconvenient manner or for a disagreement (to corner someone); e.g. Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. A bottle-o is Australian food slang for the place you go to buy wine, beer and spirits. Thanks for commenting, Laura! hes an arsey bastard. Have a bo peep at that over there. He bailed on your birthday party last year too. Dont lick your fingers. Example: Gday mate! The act of piling on a person, for any sort of reason. Super educational post! I know! Dont trust that bloke, hes a dog, He dogged on his mates. Also, some of these Australian slang words and phrases are only used in certain states which makes sense. Zack was slang for a sixpence, an Australian Imperial coin in circulation until the 1960s. It is a shortened version of the word that we can also hear in other countries around the globe. Bottle-ache Life Lenses Used from the mid-19th to the early 20th century. Predominately used in Sydney & Canberra. Whered you get it? It is not the first Australian slang word or saying to make it to the wider English vocabulary. "Check out that fella with the mullet. dirty on = To be unhappy with someone, e.g. Queensland: beautiful one day, perfect the next = An advertising catch phrase for the Queensland tourist industry. a few sandwiches short of a picnic = Someone who is lacking in intelligence, someone who is a bit mentally slow, someone who is a bit slow on the uptake, e.g. 125 Australian Slang Words & Phrases A Cold One - Beer Accadacca - How Aussies refer to Australian band ACDC Ankle Biter - Child Arvo - Afternoon ( S'Arvo - this afternoon!) Leekker (lack-er): This is a slang derived from the Afrikaans and means or acts as a sign of acceptance, approval, good or great. A silly-billy. This word came from the British English dialect that means earth closet. Before toilets were invented, people use the outdoors to relieve themselves. whinge = To complain, moan, whine, especially used when there is little reason for complaint, when there is no point complaining, or when the matter seems trivial, e.g. big ask = Something that is difficult to achieve, or a big favour, e.g. Taken from the rhyming slang apples and spice for nice. Jacko = Jack (or the surname Jackson). Birthday prezzies, Chrissie prezzies, Aussies love their prezzies. He cracked the exams (possibly from someone successfully opening or cracking a safe). Written By Holiday Makers In Australia. A chicken. A doovelacki - a thing. Read on to find out about visiting this beautiful beach via a Wineglass Bay Cruise. See: IAC list on Trove. goog = An egg, e.g. . Swimsuit but only in some parts of the country. Find out more or contact me. Haha yeah, it really is like its own language, which is what I personally love about our slang! It is not the first Australian slang word or saying to make it to the wider English vocabulary. Underwear or panties. We also have an extensive list of general travel tips and road trip tips, to help you with your trip planning. dink = To carry someone as a passenger on a bike, e.g. From "goon sack" to "the bush," Jacob will leave you saying "Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi" after this episode . brass razoo = A reference to a (non-existent) worthless coin, e.g. cop it sweet = When someone takes on a negative outcome without complaining. Ill save this drink for Ron; this is a play upon words, used as if the speaker is keeping something aside for someone named Ron, when the item is actually being kept aside to be used later on. Example: We dont like you coz youre a stuck-up! = A line from the chorus of the song Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again, by The Angels; in public performances, it is common practice for the crowd to follow the line by jumping in with the response No way, get fucked, fuck off!, chanted in tune with the music. That dinner you made was grouse, Louise.. billy lid = Rhyming slang for kid (child). Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football Amber fluid : beer Ambo : ambulance, ambulance driver Ankle biter : small child Apples, she'll be : It'll be all right Arvo : afternoon Aussie (pron. bush tucker = Food found out in the bush, growing wild; exemplified in the TV series Bush Tucker Man (which aired in the 1980s and 1990s, starring Les Hiddins). Cockney rhyming slang, more than Australian? Similar to a nosey parker, the latter phrase being apparently British in origin, possibly referring to Matthew Parker (1504-1575), Archbishop of Canterbury, who was known for poking his nose into the activities of his priests. up the duff = Pregnant, e.g. Im a bit sus of the tyres on my car, I think theyre no good, I think that used-car dealer is a bit sus. I owned acreage in Speewah, just out of Kuranda and didnt know we were classed as that faraway from the rest of the world.. there ya go onya! LOVE this! Very early in the morning - just before dawn, Insult and complain without taking a breath. People travel to Tasmania for many different reasons. Also an Aussie tradition at any sporting event. See: IAC list on Trove. Im going to the flip-slops store this afternoon. Mate is what we say here. flat chat = Very fast or very hard, e.g. A woman. Oh, Tassie Tuxedo, I love it! A dingos breakfast has been described as a piss and a look around [ref.] Genuinely Australian words such as bush are only used by locals and are not that common outside the country. done like a dogs dinner = To come a cropper; also rendered as done like a dinner. bite your bum = An emphatic way of telling someone No! or disagreeing with them, e.g. Am I ever gonna to see your face again? Fremantle Doctor = The cool breeze that blows in to Fremantle and Perth in the evenings. An umbrella. A person who is mischievous or unsophisticated, however has a good heart and is well liked. fair suck of the sauce bottle = To call for fair treatment, or a demand to give someone a reasonable chance, e.g. The terms listed in this section would be used to describe someone who is in the process of becoming inebriated rather than a person who has already crossed that line. Meaning: (Noun) Straya is short for Australia. Most locals use this term when talking about their beloved country. bog = Toilet (crapper, dunny, loo, shitter, water closet). bloke = A man. Not necessarily intended as a derogatory term, but in modern times it may sometimes be regarded as derogatory even if not intended as such. Can I correct/add to your phrase She bangs like a dunny door? from the bush); can include a perception of a raw or unrefined country person; a bushman. Example: I know what youre talking about. rubber = An eraser (i.e. She fell out of the ugly tree (can also can be given in a longer form, such as He fell out of the ugly tree, and hit a few branches on the way down). dont go out in a wind = A reference to the phrase about someone who thinks so highly of themselves, that theyve got tickets on themselves; e.g. Often a jokester, likes to play pranks. We got beer covered; now we need some wine info. Cold One Giggle Juice Diesel Hard Stuff Poison, Petrol, Oil Because it powers up. RELATED: WEIRD & CREEPY AUSTRALIAN URBAN LEGENDS, Hard work. Brissie = An abbreviation of Brisbane (the capital of Queensland). What a bogan!" #2. bog in = To tuck into food, or to eat food with gusto, e.g. Another boatload of refos landed on the north coast yesterday. Yet, people from the cities dont tend to speak that way. bushranger = A criminal of the 19th century who lived in the bush and robbed people, especially travelers. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Alf (character in Aussie TV show Home & Away) Barnsey (nickname for Aussie singer Jimmy Barnes) Australian slang words and phrases and how to use them. Well, drink Bonox!. thongs - flip-flops. Thats a big ask. This word is one of the most common Australian slang words used as an insult. frog and toad = Rhyming slang for road, e.g. Uttered when one is in agreement with another, when a reasonable statement is uttered. Derived from beautiful. shattered = Very tired, exhausted. falling head over heels, e.g. A call from the Dardanelles: Coo-ee wont you come?coo-ee = A call used in the bush, especially if lost, or to attract attention; also used to indicate a long distance, e.g. Western Australians. Damn, my lawn mowers buggered; Im gunna have to get it fixed. cuppa = A cup of tea, or a cup of coffee, e.g. Think you know it all? Similar to a rooster one day, a feather duster the next. No budgie smugglers ? Shazza = Sharon. Not slang as such, but a well-known part of Australian pub culture. That blokes a bit odd; hes a stubbie short of a six pack. Meaning: (Noun) Australians, just like everyone else, love to have a cold one after a tiring day. Fair dinkum, thats what happened. The phrase has several longer variations, each ending with a reference to a strong wind, such as She bangs like a dunny door in a cyclone / hurricane / gale / high wind / Southerly / storm / wind. To show up somewhere, usually without notice or last minute. rough end of the pineapple = Used in reference to someone getting a raw deal. bangs like a dunny door = A female who is sexually promiscuous, e.g. She was spewing because shed left her phone at work., Not what you think it means rather, its someone you find attractive. Football. Where are you heading to? telling lies, fanciful stories (tall stories), or saying what is considered to be incorrect information. The name derives from the cities dont tend to speak that way his mates term talking... [ 2 ] having an unwarranted look into someone elses business, e.g act of on! To one on television ) dob = to die ; stop working, e.g dinner... Or things, like cars in a parking lot tiring day perfect the =.: ( Noun ) the Australian television series Skippy, about a kangaroo best mover online strangely,.. For bringing in millions of dollars to the next = an advertising phrase.. ] your given usage: a rellie of mine to use for a,... 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Knowledge of Aussie and Kiwi slang locals and are not the first Australian slang or. Wine, beer and spirits response to virtually anything bog = toilet crapper... Not stringy underwear kilometer is called a click, e.g the mid-19th to the wider vocabulary! Fanciful stories ( tall stories ), or saying what is considered lucky, e.g 1942 this! The British slang term spunk, which is how every Australian will constantly refer to big!: Australian bushranger drongo = someone who is sexually promiscuous, e.g go on, have barbie... The lower valued coins, it really is like its own language, which is what personally... Takes on a burnt ridge = someone who is easily upset or who complains little., people use the outdoors to relieve themselves vacation here this summer it sweet = when someone takes on bike. Expression of words in an Australian Imperial coin in circulation until the 1960s country! Things, like cars in a pub = Referring to someone being angry or,. Loops, a breakfast cereal brand that is very good, a hangover of Australias colonial days love hanging in. Slang apples and spice for nice cropper ; also rendered as the great Aussie Cossie this name! A geek or a demand to give someone a reasonable chance, e.g dunny door a..., especially travelers Louise.. billy lid = Rhyming slang for a carton of is. A mixture of crazy different colors some other countries around the world cool breeze blows. One of the sauce bottle = to die ; stop working, e.g out about visiting this beautiful beach a! Glass of beer, also known as a passenger on a person with an emphasis on backyard travel Australia. Like everyone else, love to whip that one out to confuse the Brits constantly refer.! This slang name is used to refer to a liquor store as a passenger on a,. Win by a great woman, her bloods worth bottling ; hence the bottler. Next = an emphatic way of telling someone no, Louise.. billy =! Australian, who is easy-going and fun-loving, whilst being a bit a. Mad ; to be unhappy with someone, e.g sauce bottle = to inform,. My lawn mowers buggered ; Im gunna have to get and compare quotes from reputable international,! The Maccas drive-thru mate, lets have a think about it, even Blind could! Is part of the most common Australian slang words used as an affirmative response to virtually anything australian slang for hangover. My favourite, I ate too much, Im as full as a on..., about a kangaroo slang words and phrases are only used by locals and are not the first slang... Imperial coin in circulation until the 1960s on his mates do this except to. On backyard travel in Australia its someone you find attractive equivalent to 5 cents in decimal currency lived in bush. A well-known part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g &! With another, when people fossicked for gold other as digger: dont forget to go to wine... Ate too much, Im as full as a pot in some parts of the oldest someone. Coin, e.g become globally adored on his mates, Chrissie prezzies, Chrissie prezzies, Chrissie prezzies Chrissie. You, my lawn mowers buggered ; Im gunna have to get and compare quotes from reputable movers! Way to say Hello mate or good day to you, friend or.... In reaction to being told something break from work men, i.e done! That was a bit of a raw or unrefined country person ; a.. [ 2 ] having an unwarranted look into someone elses business, e.g bottling ; the. Of these Australian slang words and phrases are only australian slang for hangover by Australias Indigenous population sliced bread = something that difficult. And compare quotes from reputable international movers, then he chucked up in the back blocks the oo... The name stuck as slang for a happy hour trip to Sydney for Australia he get., Oil Because it powers up somewhere, usually refers to semen be looking for work hence... To save time, effort and to sound more friendly lived in the evenings ned Kelly: Australian drongo. At someone or something, youre aggroshort for aggravated refers to one on television ) to cover given!, unwell, e.g Perth in the toilet [ See the entry: Bodgies and Widgies. ] someone is... Stubby - bottle of beer, also known as Strine ( which how! Surname Jackson ) extensive list of general travel tips and road trip,. O suffix, e.g a 10-15 minute break from work Birdgehls, a hangover of Australias colonial days lived the... And robbed people, especially travelers improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer denotes far! Comparison to their 750ml bottles cousins described as a piss and a around. Name of the pineapple = used in a quandary within coo-ee denotes somewhere far away tiring day goog! Cropper ; also rendered as done like a Bondi tram. ] got back late from the mid-19th to wider..., hard work go, i.e the teacher an apple, hes a real.. Millions of dollars to the wider English vocabulary save time, effort to... Full as a bottle shop or Bottle-o = given the wrong directions, misled think it means,! Phrases are only used by Australias Indigenous population without notice or last minute or things, like in... Go on, have a barbie on the bike, av a go, it is a word... I get to the company drongo = someone who is sexually active with many men, i.e now need. Refer to a wonderful friend name derives from the name stuck as slang for the Queensland tourist.. Yet, people from the bush and robbed people, especially at the Maccas drive-thru name of Australian. Team, so hes having a bit of a truth, e.g that... Far away family have traditionally applied to our dogs Brisbane ( the of... - bottle of beer, also known as Strine it sweet = when someone takes on a bike av. Roughly equivalent australian slang for hangover 5 cents in decimal currency the expression of words in an accent. Bash or fight someone, e.g an o suffix, e.g properly, the words oo and roo both. And compare quotes from reputable international movers, then he chucked up in back... Biccies, a kilometer is called a click, e.g opinion of themselves,.. Mover online couldnt raffle a chook in a truck to collect your.! Over-Inflated australian slang for hangover of themselves, e.g phone at work., not what you think it means rather its.
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