"ABC") but error message "The session variable, NQ_SESSION.ABC, has no value definition." Click here to get started. When filtering cache table matches, the looks at the parent database object of each column or table that is referenced in the logical request projection list. Url An error will generate if a session variable is used. These multi-source session variables can be used in logical queries or in repository data filters, and contain the union of values from the different data sources. In the right pane, right-click the initialization block you want to enable or disable. You use the same procedure to define nonsystem session variables as for system session variables. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? In addition, you can use Expression Builder to insert a constant as the default initializer, such as Date, Time, and TimeStamp. Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server result cache hits. When a user belongs to multiple roles, include the role names in the same column, separated by semicolons (for example, RoleA;RoleB;RoleC). This chapter describes how to use variables in the Oracle BI repository to streamline administrative tasks and dynamically modify metadata content to adjust to a changing data environment. Linear Algebra Log, Measure Levels There are three cases to consider, depending on whether the session variable is intended to filter a column that has a numeric, varchar, or date data type. Distance See Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for more information about the PROXY system session variable. Holds the Oracle BI Presentation Services user interface display language. Data (State) (Repository initialization blocks only) In the Schedule area, select a start date and time and the refresh interval. File System Exists only for compatibility with previous releases. Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server result cache seeding. This SQL contains two constraints in the WHERE clause: ':USER' (note the colon and single quotes) is the ID the user types when logging in. It is often convenient to set a number of session variables to capture date values that you use repeatedly in your queries. Lexical Parser The initialization block is a predecessor to another initialization block which does not have the Allow deferred execution option selected. Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Allow first Connection Pool for Init Blocks, Action > New > Session > Initialization Block, "Syntax and Usage Notes for SELECT_PHYSICAL", "About Using Initialization Blocks with Variables", "When Execution of Session Variable Initialization Blocks Cannot Be Deferred", "About Connection Pools for Initialization Blocks", "Assigning a Name and Schedule to Initialization Blocks". By default, the first connection pool under the database object in the Physical layer is not available for selection. The second case is where a session variable needs to be evaluated as a string. Versioning In the Select Connection Pool dialog, select the connection pool and click Select. A common use of these variables is to set filters for use in Oracle BI Presentation Services. So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? This section contains the following initialization string examples: Example 19-1, "A SQL Statement When Site Uses Delivers", Example 19-2, "A SQL Statement When Site Does Not Use Delivers", Example 19-3, "A SQL Statement Joining Tables From Multiple Data Sources - When Using the 'OBI EE Server' Setting", Example 19-1 A SQL Statement When Site Uses Delivers. It's meant to be a constant value. Please abide by the Oracle Community guidelines and refrain from posting any customer or personally identifiable information (PI/CI). The call for a session variable is: VALUEOF("NQ_SESSION.Variable Name") Kurt Wolff, As with dynamic repository variables, session variables obtain their values from initialization blocks. Names for all variables should be unique. To use row-wise initialization, create an initialization block and select the Row-wise initialization option (refer to "Creating Initialization Blocks"). For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable SalesRegion, set the filter to the variable NQ_SESSION.SalesRegion. The Oracle BI Server logs all SQL queries issued to retrieve session variable information if the logging level is set to 2 or higher in the Identity Manager User object, or the LOGLEVEL system session variable is set to 2 or higher in the Variable Manager. Session variables that are not needed during the session do not have their initialization blocks executed. I need it to be the values of TestVar1 and TestVar3, that were applied in a previous prompt as request variables, multiplied, but all I get is the original values from the session variables. Session variables are created and assigned a value when each user logs on. Key/Value Security In the Variable dialog, type a name for the variable. Used for Oracle BI Presentation Services. Spatial This section explains how to create session variables. The new value is only valuable for the query. The syntax is: WHERE COMPANYID=ValueOf (NQ_SESSION.RETAILERID) The second case is where a session variable needs to be evaluated as a string. Cache hits would only occur on cache entries that included and matched all security-sensitive variables. The names of system session variables are reserved and cannot be used for other types of variables. Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server result cache hits. This system session variable overrides a variable defined in the Users object in the Administration Tool. Used for Oracle BI Server. Nqgenoldverrpd Nqsconfig.ini Obi Server Variable Find Value Obiee And Olap Obiee Bridge Table Obiee Excel Importation Obiee Limit Clause Obiee Many To One Obiee Null Odbc Client Odbc Driver Bi Server Create Odbc Driver Bi Server Odbc Function Odbc Opaque View Ora 00937 Parameters Perf Prefer Internal Stitch Join Permission Persist Connection Pool You can call a server variable by using this syntax : Data (State) Determines certain elements of the look and feel of the Oracle BI Presentation Services user interface. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? Used to enable or disable Oracle BI Server plan cache seeding. The Oracle BI Server substitutes the value of the repository variable for the variable itself in the metadata. The SQL statement you use to refresh the variable might be written for a specific database. For repository variables, you can specify the day, date, and time for the start date, as well as a refresh interval. Enter a title that clearly identifies the subject of your question. You can then use that session variable as the default date value in your queries for example, Periods.Date = VALUEOF(NQ_SESSION.PREVIOUSSATURDAY). You can find an example of a dynamic essbase connection pool in this post of christian berg: In the bookshel Version, it's written that Only repository variables can be used in the definition. A common use for nonsystem session variables is setting user filters. Design Pattern, Infrastructure Data Quality Shipping Why is there a memory leak in this C++ program and how to solve it, given the constraints (using malloc and free for objects containing std::string)? You can use them to provide event-driven alerting, scheduled content publishing and conditional event-driven action execution. Don't have a My Oracle Support Community account? This automatically creates a single multi-source session variable, named: The component session variable names (____